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"Jungkook, it's time for breakfast." Yoongi knocked on Jungkook's door for the second time that morning. The younger hadn't answered the first time and so Yoongi had left him be, giving him space. It was now thirty minutes later and Yoongi had intended to go to work and take Jungkook with him like he normally did. They could talk later or perhaps not at all – Jungkook didn't like talking about those kinds of things and try as he might, Yoongi couldn't bring himself to force the boy.

There was still no reply and Yoongi bristled a bit as he knocked again. Perhaps Jungkook was a bit too spoiled...

"Jungkook," he took on a more demanding tone, hoping to get through to the boy, "Open the door now."

Yoongi heard shuffling on the other side before the door was softly opened, revealing a very ragged Jungkook. There were deep, dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. He kept his gaze mainly downward, trying to ignore Yoongi's blatant staring. He hadn't slept at all last night, crying himself out before just lying there for hours afterwards. He had hoped he could just avoid Yoongi.

Yoongi's heart sank into his stomach and he frowned. Jungkook wasn't ok. Whatever had happened yesterday had affected him greatly. Yoongi gently reached out to take Jungkook's hand in his own. He noticed the flinch that the action procured and his heart sank even lower as Jungkook's fingers didn't clasp around his own hand.

"Breakfast is ready." Yoongi's voice was soft. He wasn't a comforting person – he had never even tried to be and so he wasn't sure what to do or say, "Come on, it's your favorite."

Indeed it was. Yoongi had gotten up especially early just to make Jungkook waffles. The boy had loved the American breakfast treat the first time he had tried it and had eaten at least three, his face covered with syrup and a smile as he sucked down a glass of milk afterwards, thanking Yoongi again and again for something so marvelous.

"I'm not hungry." Jungkook's voice was barely above a whisper and Yoongi leaned forward just to catch it.

Yoongi's frown deepened. Jungkook was always hungry. He was a growing boy and while he was getting back to a healthy weight, whenever there was food around and he had permission from Yoongi to eat it, he would scarf it down without a second thought. Something had to be terribly wrong for Jungkook to say he wasn't hungry.

Jungkook knew if he ate he would just throw it all back up. His stomach was churning uncomfortably. He didn't want to go with Yoongi to work like he normally did. What if he was there again? Just seeing Sehun had sent Jungkook back into a spiral of fear and despair. Yoongi's studio had always been somewhere Jungkook had found amazingly fun and he absolutely adored spending time with Yoongi.

"Please eat?" Yoongi wasn't going to force Jungkook but he looked dead already. At least some food might liven him up a little bit.

Jungkook could not say no to Yoongi. Especially when he saw the amount of... what was that on his face? Concern? Jungkook had seen it on the TV dramas he watched and sometimes on Yoongi or Namjoon's faces but it was quite foreign to him. He had never had that growing up. But Yoongi seemed about to beg Jungkook to just get better, to eat and be a little happy for just a little while and Jungkook couldn't turn away. Not after all Yoongi had done for him.

"Ok," he muttered softly, his eyes still locked on his bare feet.

Yoongi took a moment to slip his hand under Jungkook's chin and raise his head, wishing Jungkook wouldn't cringe away whenever he was touched, "Please talk to me? I just want to know what happened."

"I... I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, hyung..." the anxiety was raising back into Jungkook's tummy, going higher and higher until he felt like bile was in his throat and he was for sure going to be sick. But then something happened he would never have expected in a million years.

Yoongi smiled softly, grasping Jungkook's other hand and holding both of them to his chest so Jungkook could feel is racing heartbeat, "Don't apologize. If you don't want to talk, we won't talk. If you don't want to eat, I won't force you. If you don't want to get up today, I'll leave you alone." Yoongi's smile slipped away into something more serious, "I haven't known you very long, Jungkook. But I care about you. I care about you very much. You're a part of my home now. I know from what you've said and hinted at that things haven't been easy for you, but Jungkook that's what I'm here for." His voice dropped, "Please don't shut me out..."

And it was in that moment that Jungkook understood what love finally was and it was in that moment that he realized, he loved Min Yoongi.


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Who's a terrible person?

Me cause i can never update this on time. Please enjoy this crappy, late update!  

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