vii. bye to goodbye

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The two teens found themselves walking again, no time to lose

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The two teens found themselves walking again, no time to lose.

They'd burned Adam's body, per Kamille's request. She'd taken his short sword from his belt, wanting something as a keepsake, then did it. She couldn't leave him there to be eaten by infected and there was no way to bury him. No time and no tools. She prayed for him, hoping Allah would look after him now. He would finally be with his parents.

And she was now alone.

She couldn't help but be reminded of his words the night before, about the truth about survival. It was to truly live. Find something that was worth living for. She'd had so much, her parents, her brother, her future aspirations, even herself. Always herself. But that had never been enough and she knew it. Luckily, it had never been the only thing. But things were different now. And she wasn't so sure she could truly only live for herself anymore.

They'd had to leave almost immediately after burning Adam's body, as the gunshot and fire had attracted some infected. They managed to get out before being overwhelmed again, but now it was just the two of them.

The absence of a third was obvious as they walked in silence. There was no one there to bug them, tease them, annoy them. Kamille felt emptier than ever, still unable to believe he was truly gone. Now she only had to keep herself busy. It was the only way she could stop herself from bursting into tears again.

She appreciated Alicia more than ever at that moment. The younger girl had comforted her to the best of her abilities and Kamille couldn't imagine what it would have been like to deal with Adam's death alone. Alicia was strong, she'd always known that, and now she'd seen it. She couldn't bear the moment when she'd have to say goodbye. Truly be alone. No Adam or Alicia.


"Are you sure you don't want to take a break?" Alicia asked, pulling Kamille from her thoughts. "We have the time to spare."

And you need it, Kamille knew she wanted to add. The girl had been watching her with that look of pity glistening in her saddened eyes since they'd left Adam. Maybe she felt sorry for her, maybe she felt guilty for Adam's death. Kamille was too exhausted to figure it out.

the truth about survival • an Alicia Clark fanfiction (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now