xxiii. conquering the mundane

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"Thank you for making today memorable

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"Thank you for making today memorable."

Kamille looked up at Alicia as the younger girl clambered into their shared bed.

"I didn't do much," Kamille said with a shrug.

Alicia rolled over so she was leaning on her elbows and looking down at Kamille. The latter was smiling up at the birthday girl, admiring how perfect she looked with the evening sunlight shining down on her through the curtains.

"Aside from scaring me half to death when you disappeared," Alicia began, rolling her eyes playfully, "you wrote me a beautiful card. And we hung out at the beach, tried to surf."

Kamille chuckled at the aforementioned memory from earlier, as they were both just as bad as each other, even with Hector's help.

"And you did your best to have a meal with me without prying eyes," Alicia continued, her voice soft and appreciative. "And oh, how can I forget? You said yes to being my girlfriend."

A grin appeared on the brunette's face as she locked eyes with Kamille's.

"Really was the perfect day for you then, wasn't it?" Kamille joked, making Alicia laugh.

She leaned down and pressed her lips to Kamille's in a quick kiss, before resting her head on her chest and cuddling into her side.

"I guess we're finally getting that fresh start," Alicia mumbled with a sigh of relief.

Kamille hummed in agreement, determined not to let the negative thoughts bring her down. Not when she was finally happy, safe and well. Alicia and her were together and Kamille still couldn't quite believe it, even when the girl was literally there cuddling her.

"Darling, I just realised something," Kamille said aloud, eyebrows raising a little.

Alicia hummed. "What is it?"

the truth about survival • an Alicia Clark fanfiction (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now