xxxviv. just a memory

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This isn't real

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This isn't real.

Kamille knew it was a dream, she knew it hadn't happened. She'd seen Alicia alive and well, but dreams had a way of distorting reality. Her dreams lately, in particular, were so real-looking that she almost forgot they weren't.

She was back in the pantry, waking up in the armoury as she had. Except this time, she woke up and Alicia was pressed against the wall, holding back an infected man's snapping teeth. She was wearing the same clothes – green vest, blue jeans, soaked in infected blood.

"Kam, help!" she screamed, eyes flickering to Kamille before focusing back on the infected which was nearing her face.

Kamille tried to move forward, but she wasn't moving, no matter how much she tried. And then suddenly, her point of view changed, and she was a bystander, watching herself standing and watching Alicia call for her help.

"Kamille!" Alicia screamed again, and no matter how hard Kamille struggled, she couldn't move.

The infected man eventually closed in, teeth chomping into Alicia's neck and devouring her flesh. Kamille couldn't scream, she couldn't speak, she couldn't breathe. All she could do was watch with wide eyes, tears streaming down her face as the life left Alicia's eyes.

The infected man stepped back, as if his brain wasn't a mindless mess, and Alicia didn't bleed out and fall to the floor as she should have. Her eyes opened up and glared right through Kamille's, yellow and glossy and blank. She began to snarl, her pale, bloody face glistening with sweat and part of her neck flapping, the flesh partially torn and bleeding down her chest.

"Kam," she snarled out, moving forward slowly.

Kamille was terrified, seeing the Alicia she knew gone in an instant, and replaced by this stranger, this monster.

"Kam," she snarled out again, edging closer and closer. "Kam."

Kamille saw herself hyperventilating from her bystander perspective, Alicia stopping in front of her face. She was suddenly back in her own body, face to face with a sick Alicia. Her once-beautiful green eyes were now dimmed with infection, simply viewing Kamille as food. Kamille was forced to close her own eyes, squeezing them tightly with fear.

the truth about survival • an Alicia Clark fanfiction (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now