xii. it's shitty luck

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Kamille found herself in the control room where Strand confined himself to regularly, except this time he was there with everyone but Nick, Chris and Alicia

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Kamille found herself in the control room where Strand confined himself to regularly, except this time he was there with everyone but Nick, Chris and Alicia. Madison had told Alicia to help the boys out with drying themselves off, meanwhile, Strand was elaborating on who was after them.

"San Diego is gone," Travis said, tossing the logbook Nick had found in the wreckage onto the control panel.

"How bad?" Daniel asked, growing concerned.

"It's gone," Madison said, clenching her jaw with annoyance.

"What? What do you mean it's gone?" Strand asked, and Daniel was chiming in with the questions.

Kamille kept herself to the side, merely observing as they discussed things.

"It's burned, the military burned it down," Madison explained. "According to this, the Leigh Anne came from the south right there."

Kamille leaned over slightly, noticing Madison was pointing to the logbook and the map opened up beside it. She frowned as she realised that things were getting to be a lot more difficult than initially thought. They were supposed to go to San Diego, so what were they going to do now?

"Wait a minute, I thought you said San Diego was safe," Ofelia argued, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"I wouldn't take this as gospel," Strand said, grabbing the logbook and flicking through the pages, evidently searching for an answer. "How do you know? Did they record it?"

"The last log was..." Daniel was explaining, but Kamille couldn't hear anymore of it.

She was trying to understand what was going to happen. San Diego was gone. She was pretty sure L.A. was gone, too. There was someone out there killing innocent people at sea and they were all next.

"...you sure they're following us?" Travis asked and Kamille looked up, tuning back into their conversation.

"I have zigged and I have zagged, their course corrects every time," Strand responded, looking up from the map, a stoic expression on his face.

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