Not Very Surprising

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I woke up with a gasp. Hitting the wall at such a high speed made my heart beat extremely quickly. My heart was racing, and it seemed to do the trick on waking me up.

I sat up and checked on Yuri. She was still asleep. I went ahead and attempted to wake her up.

Just like I suspected, she didn't. At this point, I would've... I don't know. I mean, I know what I would've done if it was Monika, but it wasn't. This was Yuri, and well, I didn't really feel the same. And I already knew that she'd be back, so there was no use in thinking about it. I just headed to my brothers room to get myself some clothes so that I could shower.

After I showered and got ready, I went back to the guest room. I felt a little strange...

Even though I knew she'd be back, it was weird having what seemed like a lifeless being lying on my bed.

I grabbed the knife on my dresser. Not for any reason really, I just wanted to flip it around a bit since I was bored.

Something suddenly ran through my mind.

Monika's gonna be alright. She's not dead, she'll be back before I know it.

But why did I feel that way? It didn't make sense. I knew she was dead. Well not necessarily dead, but she was gone. And she ain't coming back. She had a chance to come back, but Yuri came out of the computer instead. Why? Why did that happen? Honestly, I'm sure things would've been much better if Monika was here. Why did it have Yuri have to be the one to come out?

I suddenly felt a sense of security towards Monika. It was as if I was supposed to protect her... even though she wasn't around anymore.

I headed to the living room, since it didn't seem like there was much else for me to do here. I turned on the TV and watched "My Name is Earl" again.

But it felt like I was holding myself back. I needed to go out and do something. I wasn't exactly sure what, but I needed to do something. I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I drove to the park and went to the secluded spot by the pond. I don't know why I decided to go there, but for some reason it felt like I would be doing more there than sitting at home and watching TV.

Yeah. I'm gonna go to the park so I can sit and think instead of sitting at home and watching TV. It didn't make much sense to me. Either way, I was sitting and doing pretty much nothing. Aren't I still holding myself back?

Nonetheless, I headed there anyway. It just felt better.

Once I got there, I sat on the bench and stared at the water. What was I gonna think about today?

Hmm... okay, I think I got it. Let's think about... Monika! Why think of anyone else?

Okay, seriously though. Was I like, I don't know, obsessed? Why am I thinking of her so much... is that weird? I mean, I'm sure it's unhealthy. She ain't here anymore, and constantly having her on my mind probably wasn't good for me.

Ah, but it still felt nice to see her in my dreams. They felt so real.

I suddenly didn't want to be in the park anymore, which was weird. Did I really come here just to think about Monika for a bit? It seemed like such a pointless chapter in my life.

Glad no ones reading about this.

I felt so weird, it was like my mind wanted to be everywhere at once, but no where at all. It was contradicting itself.

Whatever, I'll just go home and go back to bed. I'm probably just freaking out because I had an odd obsession for Monika.

Sorry. I meant undying love.

Help me.

I headed back to my car and drove back home. When I got there, I went into the guest room and lied in the bed next to Yuri. She was in the same position as before, which was to be expected. I made sure to keep my distance, since lying next to a dead person was weird.

After a couple of minutes, I finally fell asleep.

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