Final Decision

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I stared at the computer screen while I thought about what I was gonna do. It didn't take me very long though, since I was pretty much set on Monika already.

I moved the mouse over Yuri's character file before right clicking. As I hovered over the "Delete" button, I felt a little tug on my heart.


No. I don't want Yuri. I'd only choose Monika, and only Monika.

I clicked the delete button.

"Are you sure you want to delete 'Yuri.chr?'"

"Yes" or "no"

I hovered the mouse over "Yes" and clicked it. After I did, a box came up.

"'Yuri.chr' was deleted successfully."

I clicked "OK" to close the box. I started to feel something, but the feeling went away before I had a chance to realize what it was. I guess I'll never know.

I put the mouse over Monika's character file and dragged it into the folder.

"'Monika.chr' was moved successfully."

I clicked "OK" to close the box. After I did, "After Story" opened itself. I hovered the mouse over the icon. It was no longer called "After Story." It was now labeled as "Monika."


Authors notes: Sorry this chapter was so short. Not much happened this time, and Danny didn't really struggle with deleting Yuri, so there weren't much feelings or regret.

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