Oh logan..💞

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   Back at the Jackson home ..
~ Blankets pov ~
1 bang ...

4 bangs against our front wooden doors .. emotions run through my body .. what should I do ?!

Blanket: grandma !!! What's going on ?!!
Katherine: come here sweetie ..

( aunt Janet and uncle randy stand in front of us )

About 29 men start running into our home . Throwing smoke bombs on the floor and we are forced to lay flat on the ground

Janet: be careful with my mother you sons of bitches !!

( we all get handcuffed and taken into police vans where we are transported to a secret underground facility .. We are sat down in a row and 3 men stand in front of us )

Agent grant: hello Jackson family .. sorry we had to bring you in like this but it's apart of the proceder for families who are related to serial killers ..
Janet: you cant treat us like animals !
Agent grant: I'm sorry ms Jackson but like I said it's apart of the proceder .. I am agent grant apart of the FBI .. and I am in charge of the case with violet Jackson your relative we want her locked up so our country can be once safe again
Prince: as I speak with all of us we don't know where violet is
Agent grant: how long has it been since you last spoke to her ?
Prince: about 20 months .. since the murder
Agent grant: me and my agents will be taking each and everyone one of you into questioning individually .. please give us a moment ..

( they walk away and I tell prince to text violet to let her know we are in custody )

Violets pov ...
      The cold breeze goes along my skin and my black hair flows behind me .. I then see my phone vibrate ...

Prince 💞
    V , the FBI took us into custody .. and they are asking us questions about you .. we won't say anything we promise but please keep yourself safe please stay as far away from LA please we love you v stay safe ...

I place my phone back on the counter and then feel two strong arms wrap around me .... and kisses being placed on my neck

Logan: what's going on my love ?
Violet: my family has been taken into custody by the FBI ... they can't do that
Logan; I'm so sorry baby ... is it safe for you to go back to LA ?
Violet: prince told me not to .. probably the fbi is tearing apart the Jackson home as we speak
Logan: are you okay ?
Violet: no ... it hurts that my family has to go through this .. it fucking hurts ...

    A couple hours past .. Logan finished going through all his meetings with the suicide prevention line ... I decided to join him to hear suicide victims stories ... and I told my Story as well .. as we arrive to the hotel Logan tells me to change into a comfortable outfit .. shorts a maverick hoodie and my thriller socks , Logan orders room service and gets out some snacks that he bought on our way over here and we watch Netflix .. cuddling

Violet: so what's the next move for the meetings baby ?
Logan: a suicide survivor is meeting us in LA at our home
Violet; woah our ? ..
Logan: aren't you already living with me ?
Violet: you haven't asked me to move in with you ( I giggle )
Logan: violet Katherine Michael Jackson would you do me the honor of when we get back to LA to move In with me ?
Violet: of course Logan ( I smile )

    We fall asleep in each other's arms .. 

Next morning ~ Logan's pov .
     Me and violet have already arrived in LA .. we have told some movers to move everything to my home that is in violets apartment ..

Evan: hey guys how was New York ?
Logan: a suicide victim is coming over in two days for an interview with me
Evan: is it your comeback video ?
Logan: yeah ..

Violets pov ..
While Evan talks to Logan my phone starts blowing up with missed calls and messages from prince and blanket , I call prince back ..

Prince: V ! Omg !
Violet: wait what's going on ?
Prince: you need to leave now go to Egypt now !
Violet: what the fuck is going on ?!
Prince: Janet spoke ! She ratted on you ! You need to leave now !
Violet: I'm packing now
My heart drops .. tears start streaming down my face
( I hang up , run upstairs and put every single thing that belongs to me in suit cases )

Logan: woah woah what's going on ?
Violet: help me pack please !

( Logan races and helps me pack everything and I grab everything , put it into an suv where it's being taken to a secret facility )

Logan: baby ! Tell me what the hell is going on ?!
Violet: my aunt snitched ! The police might be coming here any minute please if they ask you anything about me Lie and lie please !
Logan: when I'm I gonna see you again ?
Violet: soon baby .. this isn't good bye .. I love you so much okay so much very

( we kiss for a while until I get into a white bmw , put a gun in the back of my pants and drive over to the Jackson home .. )

Princes pov ..
I push my aunt against the wall
Prince: why the fuck would you do that ! She's your niece for Christ sakes !!!
Janet: our family was in danger already because of her fucking shitty actions ! She was gonna get caught any day now she wasn't safe ! None of us are prince !
Prince: you back stabbing bitch !
( I get pulled away by my uncles and the double doors to the mansion open up loudly )

It's violet ..

Violet: my shitty actions huh ? Everything is my fault isn't it ? What's the first rule of being a Jackson ? Never ( points gun to her head ) NEVER fucking betray your family even if they made a shitty shitty fucking decision !
Janet: I'm so sorry violet but it had to be done ! You were hurting your grandma !
Violet: ( points gun closer to her temple ) my grandma was more loyal than your bitch ass has been alright ?! I can't go to prison because of your big mouth !!!

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