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Super star and all time favorite YouTuber Logan Paul is being coronated today to become king of Egypt ! With his wife .. the daughter of the late king of pop Michael Jackson violet Katherine Michael Jackson paul who is already queen of Egypt ! Logan is becoming king of Egypt because of the brother of violet Jackson prince Michael Jackson the 1st who has passed away from apparent stab wounds ..

Next morning .. ~ Logan's pov ..

I open my eyes and see the golden top of our bed in Egypt ..

I stretch out my legs and arms and look right beside me .. I see violet .. her beautiful face .. her head laying on her hands and her beautiful eyes shut ..

I place my hand on her face and kiss her until she wakes up

Violet: my mouth stinks and your kissing me ?
Logan: you know how much I love your lips ( I blush )
Violet: yours too baby ( she kisses me once more and stands up to go check on Veronica .. she brings her into our room and hands her to me where she goes to brush her teeth )
Logan: v , what time is the coronation ?
Violet: 12 there always at 12 .. its 7:30 right now .. at 8:30 the makeup artist and hairstylists and wardrobe stylist are going to be here for everyone to get ready now go brush your teeth and let's go eat breakfast

( we all head downstairs.. and everyone is already here .. and we begin to eat )

Jake: hey is the Logang fans from Egypt coming loges ?
Logan: yeah I made like 10 insta and Snapchat stories and I also made a vlog yesterday that I just posted
Violet: I bet a lot are coming ( I smile )

( we still continue eating until our conversation is interrupted with a man standing in the doorway to the dinning room )

Violet: uhm excuse me .. who let you in ?
???: your violet oh my god !

( he hugs me so hard )

Violet: who tf are you ?!
??: I'm Alexander the Great denile .. im your moms brother
Blanket: wait what ? ( he stands up )
Alexander: can we talk in your mother's study ? The three of us ?
Violet: yeah , loges and everyone has to go get ready we will be right there

( we all walk into my mother's study and sit down )

Violet: what are you doing here ?
Alexander: I heard you were here and that your husband is becoming king and I wanted to met you both .
Blanket: but you just came unexpectedly
Alexander: I know what has been going on for the past years .. and I've felt so horrible I haven't been here for both of you .. I wish I was able to come earlier to met prince as well
Violet: no it's fine .. I understand .. we're just both happy your here

( we hug each other and he hugs blanket as well )

Alexander: I know you aren't Diana's biological son .. but you were always family to her and always was a son to her .. so your always a nephew to me ..
blanket: thank you ..
Violet: we all have to go get ready the coronation is in 2 hours

( we all go over to the stylist and Alexander introduces himself to everyone and we all begin to get ready )

My outfit

Blankets outfit

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Blankets outfit

Blankets outfit

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And Logan's

Jake: you look funny ( he laughs ) Violet: it's traditional pharaoh clothing

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Jake: you look funny ( he laughs )
Violet: it's traditional pharaoh clothing .. my grandfather wore this when he was coronated and I'm not gonna lie.. he was ripped like you are loges ( I smile )
Logan: I just don't like the hat thing ( laughs )
Violet: doesn't matter .. now let's go the coronation is about to start

The people of Egypt begin to pile up inside of the castle where entrance is and the pictures are hanging on the walls of the past generations of kings and queens

A lot of Logan's fans are out here as well .. the priest makes a speech until he announces that the royal family should come out .. Logan's fans cheer but then they are forced to stay quiet ..

Me and Logan stand in the front .. our family in our back ..

Violet: hello .. welcome to the royal family coronation .. we are all excited that the logang who is apart of our family too is able to join us today .. so now to why were really here ..

The priest presents himself in front of the crowd and Alexander hands him the box with prince crown

Priest: our former king .. prince Michael Jackson the 1st has recently passed and left us with beloved memories of him .. he truly loved this country .. his friends .. his family .. and especially his little brother and sister .. but now .. it is time to present our new king And husband of Queen violet Katherine Michael Jackson Paul .. Logan Alexander Paul ..

( everyone cheers )

Priest: I present you ... Logan Alexander Paul as the new king of Egypt ..

( everyone cheers .. I go over to Logan and kiss him .. and everyone else hugs him ..)

This ...


Another start to a new beginning ..

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