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Next morning .. Logan's pov

The news broke out of violet passing away and her song and video has been all over the news and social media .. she's been getting negative attention but mostly positive .. there has been protest going on about the jury and judge who said that violets crime has been called a childish outburst and that people should have done more to protect her

Others .. are just calling her an attention whore

But me .. yeah I'm heart broken I'll always be heart broken I mean my wife has just died

The funeral is her in LA .. people from Egypt are also coming her to pay there respects and we are doing a private then public funeral for the family and then the fans .. but that isn't until tomorrow ..

So I have a whole day by myself .. just thinking about v

Oh that beautiful woman .. ever since the first day she walked into Jeff's office for that interview for the assistant job .. the first fucking second she walked inside the office

I knew I wanted her ..

No one else just v

But the Japan trip meant so much to me because .. I was able to find out who she truly was .. I was able to find out her story but I didn't care about who she was to the world

Just a murderer

To me .. she will always be known as the love of my life and my beautiful amazing wife

That woman will always be loved by me ..

I go downstairs to see everyone still asleep .. I get the babies from there cribs and begin to feed them

Oh your poor babies .. you don't even know your mom is gone yet

Jake: hey loges how are you feeling this morning ?
Logan: heartbroken.. sad but I'm okay ..
Pam: are you going to be ready for tomorrow ?
Logan: no .. I'm going to be crying all the time ..
Greg: shouldn't we do the funeral in Egypt ?
Logan: violet never told me how she would want to be buried but I think she would want to be buried next to her dad and p
Pam: that's great that you know what she would like hon .
Logan: yeah .. I just miss her so much
Jake: we all do loges ..
Logan: I miss her face ... her kisses .. the way her hair smells like strawberries.. I just miss everything about her

Blanket comes through the doors .. and hugs me

Blanket: I miss her so fucking much ( he cries )
Logan: I miss her too .. blanket I've been meaning to ask you.. why did she do this ? Why did she die without telling me anything ?

We all sit down

Blanket: because she knew you were going to try to stop her .. she did this because she didn't want any rival gangs against you or Veronica or Alex .. she didn't want you guys being hunted down to be killed .. penny was her biggest enemy.. her biggest rival and if penny stayed alive she would try to build up her army again to take you down or especially Veronica when she grows older .. Veronica is going to become violets twin when she finds out what happen to violet .. violet wanted the best for all of you especially you Logan .. she loved you with all her heart and she will love you even when she's up there looking at us as we speak
Logan: I just miss her so much ... now I understand why she was close to me during this week .. and we took the trip to bora bora
Blanket: she wanted to Cherish her last moments with you loges

Everyone leaves to do there daily stuff and I go into violets office and listen to her song again

She sings so beautiful .. I mean why didn't she ever tell me about this ? She felt depressed even if she was taking her anti depressants ..

Fuck man ! I can't handle this anymore ! Why the fuck would you leave me violet ! I can't handle being without you ! Oh fuck !

I promise you I'll see you one day up there .. I love you more than the stars above us always ..

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