Happiness or sadness

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3:46 am ..
I sit up and stretch .. to look over and see Logan asleep .. I have woken up about 5 times in the night ..

Not being able to sleep

All I have in mind .. is p .. just p ..

I walk downstairs and see Brendon awake as well .

Violet: what are you doing up ?
Brendon: working on some presets for my pictures , I was about to ask you the same damn question .
Violet: couldn't sleep ..
Brendon: is it about prince ?
Violet: yeah ..
Brendon: do you wanna talk about it ?
Violet: ( I grab a cup of water and sit next to Brendon ) I know I have another brother but with p .. it's different .. we have a stronger and more closer relationship with one another .. we both have been with each other in every and I mean every bump in the road that we are the bestest friends .. he was the only one who went to the secret facility to go see me .. he was there for me in everything .. and if he leaves this world .. I will lose my fucking mind .. I have lost 2 people that I really care about , and now losing my big brother ? I would kill my self
Brendon: don't say things like that .. I know if prince passed .. then it would be horrible .. and you've been through shit .. but you have baby v and Logan to think about .. your family .. what if prince does survive , everything is gonna be fine . Don't bring negative thoughts bring positive .. you have a lot of things to look forward to . You seriously do

( I hug Brendon .. and I go back into bed .. )

Logan: baby .. ( he moans )
( he hugs me on my waist facing me )
Violet: hi ( I smile )
Logan: couldn't sleep ?
Violet: no .. can't stop thinking about prince ..
Logan: come here baby ..

( he brings me closer and kisses my forehead .. and hugs me stronger )

Logan: I'm so sorry baby your going through this .. I'm so sorry seriously ..
Violet: it's okay ..

Next morning .. ~ violets pov .

I wake up to the cries of Veronica .. i race to her room to see that Brendon is already inside of here looking over her
Brendon: shhhh baby v .. everything's going to be okay .. I know your so young to know what's going on right now .. but I promise you .. uncle p Is going to be fine ... shhhh

( I blush and walk down to the kitchen and see blanket here already )

Violet: oh hey b , want any breakfast ?
Blanket: I already got some v thanks

( he says as he sits down playing fortnite on the ps4 with Evan then Logan and Brendon come downstairs and we begin to eat )

I then receive a phone call from my uncle jermaine .

Violet: hey uncle j what's up ?
Jermaine: you should come to the hospital right now
Violet: why what's going on ?
Jermaine: something happen to p ( he begins to cry )
Violet: umm I'm on my way

( we hang up , I begin to start breathing fast .. )

Violet: uhm I can't finish breakfast right now .. uhm .. Logan please take care of everyone I have to go to the uhm hospital
Blanket: why are you stuttering ? Somethings wrong
Violet: nothings uhm wrong I have to go now I'll call uhm you guys if somethings wrong ..

( I run outside and tears start streaming down my face .. I race into my car and drive over to the hospital where I met my uncle Jermaine and randy and marlon inside of p's room .. there all huddled together crying )

Violet: what's going on ? Where the fuck is p ?
Jermaine: uhm .. something happen ( he cries louder ) I really don't know how to explain it .. he had a brain hemorrhage .. it started bleeding .. he may have had a aneurysm.. and there afraid to announce him brain dead ..
violet: but brain dead is dead ..
Randy: I'm so sorry v .. but p passed away ..

Hearing those words ..

" p has passed away "

Breaks my heart into a million pieces ..

I get on my knees ..

I scream ...


My uncles wrap me in there arms ..

I cry so loud ..

I'm done ..

I'm so done ..

5 minutes later ..

We walk to the hospitals morgue .. where I'm able to see p's body .. they roll it into the morgues autopsy room

They zip down the body bag and there I see him ..

His pale lifeless body ..

I kiss his forehead ..

Violet: I love you so fucking much p .. so much god damnit .. I told you if I lost you .. i was gonna lose myself and my mind .. and mission accomplished.. im done with life .. i love you p ..

( I drive back home .. I walk inside and everyone gathers around me ... they see my red eyes )

Logan: what happen v ?
Violet: uh .. p's gone .. he passed away ...

( everyone stands in shock .. I begin to cry in Logan's arms but I walk away into the bathroom .. )

I have lost 3 very important people in my life ..

My daddy ..

My mommy ..

And my big brother ..

Why does this happen to me in the first place ? Why .. ?

I have gone through enough shit in my life .. that I have to go through this ? XX

Why ? Why !!!!

I pick up a floor tile on the bathroom floor .. and I grab a bag that I hid on the bottom on the floor tile ..

I wanna be with my loved ones

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I wanna be with my loved ones ..

I'm sorry Veronica ... and Logan ..

I love you both very much .. more than my own life .. and you do not need someone like me in your life ...

I love you

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I love you

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