broken dreams

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Blanket: v I heard your gonna become queen of Egypt that's amazing !

( Jake chokes on his food )

Latoya: when were you gonna announce that v ?
Violet: I was going to announce it tonight before we said our words to my parents but yeah I've decided to take on the role of becoming queen
Randy: isn't that a big responsibility?
Violet: yeah uncle randy I've thought about that .. but when my mother died in my arms that was her final wish to me and it was also in her will
Joseph: a will ? There was a will ?
Prince: yes Joseph there was
Joseph: and why weren't we aware of this ?
Prince: yeah our mother was married to your son but technically it doesn't make her apart of the Jackson blood she's a denile a queen and she only wanted her children to be aware of it
Joseph: but we're apart of her family , we loved her
Violet: don't worry Joseph she didn't leave anything for all of you , if your worried about that
Jake: ( giggles )

All of us calm down .. and we begin to talk about me and Logan .. and how our relationship has been during all of the drama

Pam: are you guys gonna give me grandchildren ? ( she laughs )
Logan & I : WOAH WOAH
Violet: probably in the next few years Pam , I'm just 22
Logan: and I'm 23 we're still both really young mom ( laughs )
Latoya: you both would make very beautiful babies
Violet: why ? ( laughs )
Latoya: hmmm honey , your freaking beautiful like omg , and Logan is handsome so of course both of you would make adorable babies
Logan: thanks mrs Jackson ( he laughs )

We finish eating and now it's time to say some words about my mother and father .. it's prince first

He stand up , holding a glass of champagne

Prince: well there's so much to say about Michael and Diana , how we would say in the modern days they were couple goals ( everyone laughs ) but most importantly they both were great role models , friends , brothers , sisters , cousins , and especially parents .. even though they were both through a lot .. and we judged by many people and dfaced through so much in the other side of the law they were amazing people and they will always be in our hearts .. my father did everything for us .. he risked so much just for 3 children ... and my mother even though she left us when we were younger she still did everything she could to be in our lives .. the most beautiful woman in the world .. long live the king and queen !

( everyone raises their glasses up in the air )

Then it's blankets turn to say some words .

Blanket: my father will always be my father .. and my mother who isn't my biological mother will always be my mother .. both of them have done everything and risked so much for 3 dumbasses ( laughs ) but to them we all will always be there number 1 angels .. Diana always accepted me as her own .. when dad told her that my mother passed away when I was born .. she quickly took me in as her own .. she loved me like I was her own and I'll always love her like she was my own mother .. and my father loved us 3 so deeply both of them will always be the most amazing parents on this planet ..

Then it's my turn to say some words ..

Violet: I was really close to my father .. super .. I always went to him and confined in him he was my best friend .. and always will be , everyday I need to talk to someone I will go to his grave and talk to him .. because he will always be the number one person I will always trust .. but my mother , I had some sort of anger towards her .. because she left my father through some years of crisis .. but when I left LA to head over Egypt because I was on the run .. those few months I was with her made us closer .. and I was never more in love with her than I was before .. and she was my best friend during that time .. I know all of you must think the choice I made was the most horrible choice anyone can make .. but I did it for my parents .. the ones who were always there for me 24/7 and I'll do it again if any other person that I care about or love gets hurt or killed I will always do it again ... for all of you ..

We finish saying our words and eat Dessert now .. and then our toast for the king and queen ..

Everyone leaves and me & Logan head up to our room .. I change into short shorts with a tank top and Logan changes into just joggers

& he wraps me in his arms ..

Violet: thank you Logan .. for hosting that dinner , it really meant a lot to me
Logan: your welcome baby .. I did it because I love you and you know I love you so much I'm deeply in love with you
Violet: I'm deeply in love with you too Logan

He wraps me even tighter and kisses my forehead ..

I love this man with all my heart . 

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