Black dragon

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Violet: Blanket .. I know you didn't wanna join us because you didn't want to end up in the same fate as p or daddy did .. but we are a family .. we support one another and we have each other's back .. we won't let each other die .. and you blanket .. your a Jackson .. and you know we won't let each other behind .. ( I get handed a black dragons jacket .. ) welcome to the black dragons b

( everyone applauds , blanket puts his jacket on )

Violet: b is a Jackson so you will treat him and respect him as much as you respect me

Brett shows b the ropes .. where all the weapons are , armor and where we do the drug deliveries and we show him our plan against penny ..

Jacob: in a couple of weeks .. we are going to do a surprise attack on the black skulls .. they are the reason why your grandparents died ..

Yeah .. you heard right .. Katherine Jackson and Joseph Jackson passed away from poisoning .. that day I wanted to kill penny so bad but now .. we mourn them and come up with the greatest plan to kill penny and her followers ..

Blanket: wow .. I can't believe I'm saying this .. but this is the best plan you've guys come up with
Brett: they won't even expect it .. it times they feel the pain we've been feeling because of them
Blanket: why are you guys doing it in a couple of weeks ?
Violet: that's when we saw where all the black skulls from different countries are coming together in one .. and that's where we take down all of them and end them for good
Blanket: what about the black angels ?
Jacob: we already got all of that planned out blanket .. there meeting there as well because they have an alliance with the black skulls
Blanket: damn you were right v , they are good
Violet; told you .. now I'll return back in a bit to help you with your first drug delivery I have to go check on Logan with the babies keep a eye on him for me Jacob ?
Jacob: of course

( I race outside and get into my black Range Rover .. I drive home to see Logan isn't home or either the kids are )

Phone call

V: hey loges where are you ?
Logan: over at jakes house with the kids why v what's up ?
V: i came over to check on you
Logan: oh well I'm fine v
V: today we made blanket a black dragon
Logan: I still can't believe you convinced him to join
V: it had to be done .. and I'm helping him with his first drug delivery ..
Logan: you mentor
V: I'm sorry I'm just happy I'm not sure why though
Logan: your cute .. have fun baby I have to go help Jake make dinner
V: okay baby I love you
Logan: love you more

I head back to the black dragons warehouse and explain to blanket on how to do his first drug delivery

Violet: so do you understand ?
Blanket: your treating this like school ( he laughs )
Violet: it's cause it's important .. this is how we earn money by selling weapons and drugs to mafias or drug cartels those are the only people we sell to because they are the only ones we have alliances with
Blanket: alright then I understand

( we walk away from the drugs and head over to the bar where I had blanket two shots of tequila and I get two myself and drink them and so does he )

Blanket: god damn what the fuck
Violet: what ?
Blanket: that's strong and you don't have any reaction to it
Violet: I've been to prison , had my skin sliced , stabbed , beaten up and you don't think I can handle tequila ?
Blanket: never mind then ( I laugh ) , why did dad join this gang in the first place ? I never understood it
Violet: dad was in very huge debt , mom offered him money and he didn't accept it so he had friends in this gang like Jacob and he became king because Jacob wanted to help dad in exchange for him to be king he got money and he did it for us .. for us to have christmas
Blanket: now I understand why you had a better relationship with dad
Violet: he's the best person in the fucking world ( I say as I drink another shot )
Blanket: how do you feel about the plan ?
Violet: afraid .. lonely
Blanket: why ?
Violet: I just really hope nothing happens to me .. I mean I deserve to die I just wanna live till my kids have kids .
Blanket: does Logan know about it ?
Violet: no because he won't let me do it .. it's a life or death situation
Blanket: you don't have to worry .. nothings gonna happen your going to be safe
Violet: you just got into your first gang and your saying that right now ( I smile )

I head back home and see Veronica and ale are asleep and see Logan on the bed using his phone

Logan: hi love ( we smile and kiss ) how was the thing with the black dragons
Violet: fine ( I smile ) how was it With the kids ?
Logan: good they were well behaved I've missed you all day
Violet: I've missed you too

( I look into his eyes .. and get on him and begin to kiss him .. and he kisses me back .. he takes my shirt off and bra and begins to suck on my nipples .. light moans , he takes his shirt off .. and we continue to make out .. he makes me lay down and eats me out .. )

Oh Logan .. I'm so sorry I can't tell you about the plan .. I'm so fucking sorry .. fuck I wanna cry so bad , these past 5 years we've been together have been the best ever .. and I'm going to enjoy them with you .. the last few weeks I have

I love you to death Logan Alexander Paul ❤️

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