Mr & Mrs paul ..

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Violets pov ..
          It is the day of the wedding .. and we are still in the hamptons .. so we fly back to LA at 3:00 am where we arrive at 6 am and rest until 9:00 am where we begin to get our hair and makeup

Jess: v , what time do we have to be at neverland?
Violet: 11;00
Melissa: v .. if you don't mind me asking .. who's going to give you away ?
Violet: I cried thinking about that .. it was going to be p .. it's going to be b instead .. he's 18 already and very much taller than me ( smiles ) he's the only one I got right now ..
Kylie; that's amazing v ..

10:35 am ..

This is my makeup ..

& I begin to put on my wedding dress

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& I begin to put on my wedding dress

& I begin to put on my wedding dress

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And B races inside my changing room

Blanket: hey v it's al- wow .. you look gorgeous..
( he says as I turn around and look at him tearing up .. good thing my makeup is waterproof.. )

Blanket: what's wrong v ?
( he says hugging me )
Violet: I really wish mommy , daddy and p were here ( I cry )
Blanket: it's okay bud .. ( he says wiping my tears away ) I bet you there looking over right now even though they aren't here with us today ..
violet: I know ..
Blanket: now cmon bud .. your beautiful and amazing .. you gotta become mrs Paul today ( he smiles )

( we get into our lambos and head over to neverland ranch where we see everyone arriving .. we sneak into the mansion and I peek through the blinds and see Logan talking to his brother .. wow .. I'm such a lucky girl .. )

11:00 am ..

It's time for me to walk down the isle ..

First it's the brides maids with the grooms maids and while they walk

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First it's the brides maids with the grooms maids and while they walk .. they play you are my life by my daddy .. that song is the one he dedicated to me .. these people want me to cry so bad don't they ? .. first Jessica goes by carrying Evan to the front and then going to there spaces .. and then Pam walks down the isle with baby v throwing the flowers into the ground .. until it's my turn .. I see Logan tearing up .. I hold on b's arm and we reach towards the stand and Logan and i hold hands and b goes to his seat ..

Logan: you look beautiful v ( he mouths )
Violet: you look handsome ( I mouth as well and wipe my tears away )
Priest: you may all be seated .. we are all gathered here today on this beautiful day to make two souls into one .. now before we start is there anyone who would like to object to this marriage .. please speak now or forever hold your peace ..

Brett's pov ..
   Im about to raise my hand and people look at me but then Jacob forces me to put it back down ..

Violets pov ..

Priest: okay good .. now on with the vows .. Logan can you go first ?
Logan: ( he takes out a piece of paper ) when I saw the application for someone named Jaqueline Spencer's to become my assistant i thought she's so cute .. but i never thought those thoughts were gonna stay with me forever .. then the trip to japan came up .. and i was able to figure out who you are and what your story was .. Violet Katherine Michael Jackson . Daughter of Michael Jackson and queen Diana Denile .. to people your known as a convicted murderer and a gang leader who had a temper tantrum.. no to me your the mother of my child .. the love of my life .. the one who was there for me in so many ups and downs .. and apart from all of that you are my best friend .. and I am thankful to become your husband today ..
( everyone cheers and we hear some sobbing in the background then it's my turn to go )
Violet: oh Logan .. one day my daddy told me " one day if you find true love hold on and never let go .. " and that's what I'm planning to do for the rest of my life when I'm with you .. man .. that Japan trip was the worst and happiest thing that happen in my life .. because without it I wouldn't have been able to find out your true colors and you wouldn't been able to find mine I mean .. who would fall in love with someone like me ? And especially with my history and problems .. that's why I'm going to hold on and never let go loges ..
Priest: Now the rings please ..
( Evan brings them towards us and the priest hands them to us )
Priest: Logan Paul , do you accept violet Jackson to be your lawful wedded wife ?
Logan: I do
Priest: and do you violet Jackson take Logan Paul to be you lawful wedded husband ?
Violet: I do ( I blush )
Priest: now in the power vested by me .. I pronounce you .. husband and wife .. you may kiss your bride

Me and Logan kiss ..

White rose pedals are thrown at us ..

Everyone cheers ..

I'm finally mrs Paul ..

Everything feels so amazing

Or I'm I speaking too soon ?

The wedding reception begins and we all sit at the main table .. we begin to eat

I hired some people to come and control the rides here at neverland for the kids to get on

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I hired some people to come and control the rides here at neverland for the kids to get on

Evan: v , this place is very beautiful
Jess: it really is ..
Violet: I've missed this place so much ..
blanket: you guys are so lucky you were able to come here

It was time for the first dance

Me and Logan get on the dance floor the night we met begins ..

Logan whispers in my ears as we dance

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Logan whispers in my ears as we dance

Logan: your the most beautiful , most gorgeous, most amazing , talented, brave , adorable girl I have ever fallen in love with v .. you mean the world to me and I would do anything for you to stay by my side forever .. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you beautiful .. and I mean every word I say .. forever

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