Where are you pt2

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My eyes begin to open ..

" 26 year old white woman suffered stab wounds and cuts severely .. also beaten up from a kidnapping possible gun shot wounds to the arm .. needs to be treated ! "

I hear doctors yelling around me .. lights flashing one by one while I'm begin rolled down hallways on a hospital bed .. I look around and see Logan by my side ..

Until my eyes close again ..

Logan's pov ..

Violet has been taken into a operation room , I sit down next to blanket with my head in my hands ..

I fucking knew Jessica was going to do something .. I fucking knew it ! All she wanted to do is become queen of Egypt because she thought that because she is violet sister that she automatically becomes queen

Queen Diana isn't even her biological mother for god sakes !

A couple hours have past and v is placed in the ICU unit .. and I'm able to see her ..

Her face is all bruised up ..

Her arms , chest and legs all wrapped with bandaids

Her eye swollen shut and her lips cut

It breaks my heart so much seeing her like this .. fuck man why does a beautiful woman like her have to go through so much ..

Blanket .. the black dragons ,.. and Jake and Erika come over to the hospital to see v .. they all stand in shock with there jaws dropped as they see violet all beaten up

Jake: what the fuck happen ?
Logan: she was kidnapped .. by her step sister and tortured .. ( I start to sob and Jake hugs me )
Jake: I'm so sorry loges .. everything's going to be okay I promise .. this girl has been through enough shit that she lives through everything
Logan: I miss her so much ( I cry )

Jake: how she been doing since princes death ?
Logan: I've seen her fine .. since Jessica got into her life she's been trying to get her into her old drug addicted life .. that's why I didn't want Jessica at her birthday party because she probably would have gave her 10 pounds of weed
Jake: your not kidding , I think she told Erika she was going to give her that ..
Logan: ever since violet has entered my life as Jaqueline Spencer's.. she's changed my life so much , if I got married with some other actress or youtuber .. did you think there life's would have been like violet Jackson ? Her life makes her more different than any other girl I have ever met or dated it ..makes her unique .. I would have never protected another woman like I protect violet ..
Jake: your relationship with violet is the best thing I have ever seen Logan she makes you so happy
Logan: she does .. and if I ever lost her I don't know what I would ever do.. I wouldn't be in love with anyone else ever
Violet: if I ever lost you i would feel the same ..

Violets pov ..

I am waken up by Logan's speech of how much he loves me ..
Logan: you beautiful fucking human being
( we kiss and the doctors come inside )
Doctor: how are you feeling violet ?
Violet: I just feel sore .. and in pain
Doctor: atleast your fine and safe .. the police might come any minute now to be able to ask you questions on what happen

(Jake hugs me .. then the police come inside my hospital room )

Officer: it's good to see your doing well mrs Paul .. now we're here to ask you a few questions in regards of your kidnapping ..
violet: yeah
Officer: Who is Jessica hamptons to you ?
Violet: my step sister .
Officer: where did you call 911 from ?
Violet: in the back of a car trunk , I dialed the number with my nose because my hands were handcuffed and my legs were tapped together
Officer: do you know why she did this to you ?
Violet: because I'm the daughter of former queen Diana .. and I became queen she thought because she's my sister that she was suppose to become queen as well
Officer: how did she torture you ?
Violet: punching me , making cuts around my legs and arms .. and cut my shirt from the middle and made a huge cut in the middle of my chest and shot my arm
Officer: okay then .. we have all the evidence we need to make a trial .. for kidnapping and attempted murder
Violet: in which prison is she staying in right now ?
Officer: Los Angeles county woman's prison her trial is in 2 days thank you for your cooperation mrs Paul and I hope you get better

( the officers leave )

Logan: why did you ask in what prison she was in ?
Violet: I may have friends in that prison who are loyal ..
Jake: isn't that the prison you were in ?
Violet: yes ..
Logan: what are you gonna do ?
Violet: I have a few tricks up my sleeve ..( I smile )
Logan: oh god I've missed you
Jake: I have to get going guys it's getting late
Logan: thank you for staying with me bro I really appreciate it .
Jake: anything for you both

( he hugs Logan and hugs me and kisses my forehead )

Jake: get better v

( he leaves )

Violet: how are the babies ?
Logan: oh god I haven't checked on them I left them with Brendon and Evan

I call Evan

Phone call

L: hey Evs hows baby v and ale
Evan: there actually really quiet .. there asleep right now we just finished giving them a bath
Brendon: they were so cute
L: thank you so much guys
Brendon: how's v ?
L: she's awake .. really bruised up but okay
Evan: that's amazing loges tell her we said hi and that we love her
L: will do Evan , we will see you guys tomorrow alright ?
Evan: bye !!

Logan orders hospital food for us to eat and we watch movies on the hospital tv

Logan: I'm so happy I'm with you v
Violet; I'm so happy too loges

We continue to eat .. and then we cuddle carefully because my arms still hurt lol .

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