welcome back queen

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I can finally move my hands and open my eyes .. all I see is the brown roof of Logan's house .. and by my side is the love of my life ..

Violet: Logan ? ..

He wakes up surprising .. walking towards me quickly , kissing my forehead and lips ..

Logan: oh my god ! Baby ! ( he cries )
Violet: hi my love ( I blush )
Logan: wait I need to go call the doctors

( he races to grab his phone and dial the doctors phone number .. when he's finishing the phone call , he comes back to me and we kiss passionately.. he then screams for Evan and Brendon .. they hug me and kiss my forehead and Logan calls my brothers over )

10 minutes later ..

My brothers arrive and cry in my arms ..

Then the doctor arrives and starts checking me

Doctor: do you remember things violet ?
Violet: kinda .. I just don't remember what the date is and why I'm in a hospital bed
Doctor: you've been in acoma for 3 months because you were in a major attack with the black angels and the skulls
Violet: how do you know this ?
Doctor: I am apart of the black dragons

( he shows me his tattoo )

Doctor: I am doctor Jacobs , and yes I'm very faithful and loyal to the black dragons .. i was in them when your father became king .. so I will always be loyal to you queen violet
Violet: oh shit that reminds me the coronation in Egypt
Prince: we held it back ..
Doctor: but you look better .. all your vitals look fine

( prince and the doctor help me stand up and Logan takes me to use the restroom .. the doctor leaves and I shower with Logan's help )

Violet: so what happen the last 3 months I was in acoma?
Logan: not that much .. usually I was by your side every minute when you were in the hospital and then transferred here
Violet: why was I transferred here ?
Logan: doctor Jacobs called us in your hospital room that the police were downstairs in the lobby saying they wanted to speak to Jaqueline Spencer's
Violet: oh fuck
Logan: he didn't let them come see you because they didn't have a search warrant or a warrant of any kind .
Violet: thank you baby .. if they would have come back with a search warrant ... I would have been on death row by now ..
Logan: I would never let anyone lay a finger on you anymore .. I can't lose you anymore .. I'm tired of that shit
Violet: I know .. I should have told you that I was leaving that morning .. and I should have stayed when Brendon told me to ..
Logan: it isn't your fault baby .. you just wanted these riots and bloodshed to be over with ..
violet: I was tired of all the blood .. all the fighting .. I know I deserve to rot in Pris-
Logan: don't even finish that sentence !

( he helps me out of the shower and I dry myself off and my hair .. I change into pj shorts and a tank top with Logan's maverick favorite hoodie )

Violet: I wanna be coorinated already
Logan: queen ? Why so soon ?
Violet: I wanna get it over with .. I haven't been in Egypt for so long .. I mean so much shit has happened ever since my mother has died and they lost there queen I'm doing this thinking of the people and especially my moms choice and dream
Logan: well we can talk to prince and get it over with already

I call prince

Prince: hey bud , is everything alright ?
Violet: can we call the chancellor to announce we will be arriving in Egypt for the coronation?
Prince: when do you wanna go ?
Violet: In a day ; we have a dinner with everyone tomorrow night and fly out the next day in the private jets
Prince: you just woke up from a 3 month acoma and you wanna become queen of Egypt now ?
Violet: like I told Logan I kept thinking about the people and how they must have felt losing there long time queen .. and imagine how it is over there right now with the chancellor only ruling ?
Prince: I know .. I've visited once to tell them you were in acoma .. I looked in everyone's faces and they all looked depressed and worried .. okay then I'll make the call and you invite everyone to come over to Logan house for the dinner and saying we will take everyone in 3 private jets
Violet: thank you so much p , I love you
Prince; I love you too v

Violet: so we're doing it baby !

( I call everyone to let them know to come over for a family dinner )

Next morning ..

We bring our professional chiefs .. to be able to cook a different dinner than they did the last time

Violet: baby .. I wanna go visit my father grave ..
Logan: do you want me to go with you ?
Violet: no .. can I go alone ?
Logan: of course .. you just call me if anything happens okay ?
Violet: yes of course ..

I get into my black tinted .. bmw .. drive over to a flower shop and get red bright roses ..

My fathers favorite flower ..

I drive over to the cemetery.. park .. go ask for the keys of the holy grail ..

Tip tap ..

Tip tap ..

Is all your hear while I walk towards my fathers grave .. all the way towards the back of the holy grail ..

Violet: omer?

A man standing over my fathers grave .. wearing a FBI uniform turns around and looks at me

Omer: hey violet ..
violet: are you here to arrest me ?
Omer: no v .. I would never do that to you .. I knew you were coming here today .. and i just wanted to come talk to you .. come sit ..

We both sit on the floor in front of my fathers grave

Violet: why are you here ?
Omer: I know we left off in a terrible way
Violet: you broke up with me because my dad didn't want to do what you wanted

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