The past ..

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June 24th 2009 ..

8:21 am

My balcony doors open with the force of the wind ..

I stand up and close them both

I then hear a knock on my door

Michael: good morning bud , breakfast
Violet: good morning daddy

( we both go downstairs hand in hand and see prince and blanket already at the table )

Prince is 12

Blanket is 5

I'm 10

Michael: sit down bud

( I do as what father ask me to and we begin to eat )

Violet: are you leaving today again too daddy ?
Michael: yes .. I'm very sorry darlings .. I have very important meetings to attend .. but your nanny is going to be here to escort you where ever you'd like to go
Prince: you never get to spend a day with us ..
Michael: I'm sorry .. I am really sorry ..

As were finish with breakfast .. we go up into our rooms and daddy leaves .. I decide to just draw in a coloring book .

Princes pov ..
Before daddy leaves .. he calls me into his study ..

Michael: prince .. I've wanted to talk to you about this since a long time because your the oldest
Prince: what is it daddy ?
Michael: your the strongest and bravest out of everyone .. if something ever happen to me .. I want you to take good care of violet and blanket .. I want them to be your number one priority.. especially violet .. blanket can manage but violet .. she's young and fragile .. and is depressed .. I want you to look after her well okay p ?
Prince: I pinky promise daddy ( I smile )

I head back into my room where I begin to watch tv and daddy heads off ..

I decide to get violet and blanket .. where we three head over to the home theater and watch funny videos .

Nanny: hey guys , sorry I'm late what are you guys doing ?
Prince: watching funny videos
Nanny: your daddy gave me a bit of money for you guys .. wanna go out to eat then the mall ?
Violet: I want new shoes ! We don't have to put the mask on right ?
Nanny: no guys , you know the drill when your out with your dad yes but with me no cmon let's go

( we head over to Wendy's .. where people continue to look at us .. we just ignore them )

Violet; nan, what is daddy doing ?
Nanny: he had to go to some business meetings but he will be back around 8 like he always is alright kids ?
Blanket: daddy ..

( we head over to the mall in the black suv . We start walking around where people continue to take pictures of us .. our nanny makes us walk even faster so they wouldn't get a good picture of us )

Violets pov

We walk around the mall and the only person I have in my head is my father ..

I just have a bad feeling ..

Violet: is daddy going to be okay p ?
Prince: he's always okay v .. he always is .. nothing is gonna happen to him .. daddy is just a busy person ..

We return back home and we all head in our rooms ..

It is 5:14 pm .. no sign of daddy yet .. sometimes he would come home earlier from his business meetings ...

I sit back on my computer desk and begin drawing in my notebook .. and watch movies on my tv .. just wondering what daddy might be doing ..

7:39 pm

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