The media ..

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" who would have ever thought that violet Jackson , the late king of pops daughter would have gotten on death row ? "
" like the judge said .. it was named as a childish outburst .. her dad died and she wanted the attention on herself "
" it isn't her fault though ! If you parent .. both of your parents were killed wouldn't you be pissed ?! "
" So violet Jackson got the death penalty .. did she deserve it or was the judge too hard on her ? "
" well the judge named it as a childish outburst.. and that she wanted all the attention .. but the judge was too hard on her .. they should have seen her past life and that she went through abuse of drugs and alcohol and has mental illness .. they look at those things for school shooters but not a murderer ? "

Logan: people have to stop talking about her seriously !
Jeffery: we can't do anything about it .. we aren't apart of violets anything
Logan: I'm her boyfriend thought can't I do something ?!
Jeffery: only if you were her husband .. shit man .. I feel terrible for her ..
Logan: the black dragons are taking care of jay jay ..
Jeffery: KSI ? What does he have to do anything with this ?
Logan: he sent Alissa to come make it seem like I'm cheating on violet and violet freaked out and that's what started all of this ..
Jeffery: atleast she won't be put on death row .. she's a strong and brave person .. she's gonna make prison her bitch ..

Violets pov .
I walk down the halls of the prison with a huge smirk on my face ..

Each person I walk by .. they salute me ..

Last night .. I took blacks title of top dog ..

Last night ..

Black: so I hear that you want to become top dog don't you Jackson ?
Violet: didn't say that black .. just said that I can take that title away from you in a split second ..
black: bitch just because you had a childish outburst doesn't mean you can beat me
Violet: just because you were a horrible mother doesn't mean your bad ass
Black: call me that one more time and I'm craving your baby out of your fucking stomach .

( I nod my head to the side .. and Sophia , diabla , boo and Paul hide the security cameras with shaving cream .. I then take a knife out of the back of my uniform pants )

Violet: you wanna play bitch ? Let's play

( I punch her in the face and her head flies back and blood comes out of her nose .. I make her fall onto the ground and leave cuts on her arms .. the other woman are cheering on , i keep punching her until her face is all swollen up .. Sanchez pushes me back and grabs black )

Black: I'm done ! Welcome your new top dog girls ! Congrats Jackson ! ( she spits blood out and is taken out of the room .. everyone applauds .. I bow )

Present day ..

Might as well take the title and make prison my bitch .. if I'm about to die by the lethal Injection ..

I get called up for my pregnancy check up this morning so I head over with the prenatal nurse named Jessica , both of her parents were murdered so she's the only staff here at the prison who is nice to me .. she does a ultra sound to check on the baby and to see the gender

Jessica: it's a girl ! Yay !
Violet: I always knew it was gonna be a girl .. ( I blush )
Jessica: you turn 2 months today right ?
Violet: yes .
Jessica: how's everything ? Your health your wellbeing
Violet: fine , but this girl makes me pee too much ( laughs )
Jessica: that's normal ( giggles ) what about you v .. how are you ?
Violet: I'm fine .. I just try to forget I'm getting killed .. but I knew this was gonna happen anyways
Jessica: don't you have a plan to escape it or ?
Violet: I don't know .. it's not up to me .. it's up to the black dragons ..
Jessica: I'll talk to them

Yeah I forgot to mention also .. jessicas a black dragon ..

Violet: you can't ... Brett has to talk to Jacob to talk to all of you ..
Jessica: I can help seriously
Violet: he will let you know when Jess , I'm just greatful your here to help me

( I leave the nurses office and visitation is called .. I run towards the visitation room and see prince and Logan .. I run towards them and hug them tightly )

Violet: where's blanket ?
Prince: blankets is young so he wasn't allowed but anyways how are you ?
Violet: fine .. I got in a prison fight last night
Logan: are you okay ?
Violet: yeah I beat up the top dog so I took the title
Logan: shit a pregnant woman beating up another lady ?
Violet: get surprised baby .. I have to tell you guys something .. theirs cameras in here but no audio .. Jessica .. the prenatal nurse
Prince: Jessica Lozano ?
Violet: yes your ex .. she's in here and she's been taking care of me .. she's apart of the black dragons .. and I wanna have a little business behind bars ..
Logan: like what ?
Violet: Panties sniffing business , I can get girls to wear them and Jessica can take them out of here and give them to Logan so you and Logan can pack them up and sell them
Prince: how much would we be making for each ?
Violet: 85 - 90 dollars a pop , I give the girls 20 for each
Logan: let's do it ?
Prince: when do we start ?
Violet: next week Monday , I have to start recruiting the Pantie girls
Prince: you'll just let us know
Violet: of course

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