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Judge: Both the prosecution and the defense have now rested their cases. The attorneys will now present their final arguments. Please remember, what the attorneys say is NOT evidence. However, do listen closely. They are intended to aid you in understanding the case. Prosecution, you may begin.

Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, your Honor. Members of the jury, today you have heard testimony about violet Jackson and if she's responsible for these 3 murders I would like to remind you of some important information you should consider in your decision. These facts include that this was a childish outburst by violet Jackson herself and she shows no remorse and she also admits to killing these three victims we can all title this case a childish outburst please find the defendant guilty of three counts of first degree murder thank you

Judge: defense , you can proceed with your closing statement
Defense: thank you your honor you have heard today the testimony about violet Jackson I would like to remind you of some important facts you should consider in your decision.. violet Jackson went through a horrible childhood , depression , anxiety , bipolar disorder , psychotic behavior .. you name it she went though bullying , cyberbullying .: even a sexual assault when she was just 13 she also lost both of her parents in murder .. these murder victims who violet killed shouldn't be seen as humans because these 3 men stripped away these 3 kids parents who protected them through everything .. this isn't known as a childish outburst .. this is known as dehumanizing a victim of suicide please find our Client violet Jackson not guilty thank you

Judge: Members of the jury, you have heard all of the testimony concerning this case. It is now up to you to determine the facts. You and you alone, are the judges of the fact. Once you decide what facts the evidence proves, you must then apply the law as I give it to you to the facts as you find them , this court is adjourned we will all met here at the same time for the jury's respond

( he smacks the tool and we all begin to stand , Logan comes up to me as quickly as he cans and kisses my lips , prince hugs me and blanket hugs me and kisses my forehead , i an pulled away by the officers and Logan , prince and blanket follow us as well as news reporters and police officers try to get them away from me , I am put in the back of the police van and driven away )

I return back to the prison and go to be changed into my prison regular uniform , I then go back to Sophia and the rest

Sophia: hey how was it ?
Violet: my own aunt testified against me .. oh god I wanted to stab her sooo bad and they called my crime a childish outburst
Sophia: everything's gonna be okay v .. cmon it's dinner time

( we walk over to the lunch area where we all get our lunch and sit down )

Diabla: hey girl , how was the trial ?
Violet: to me it was okay .. tomorrow the jury tells us the choice if I get the death penalty or not ..
diabla: shit man .. death row here is scary as fuck
Violet: what do you mean ?
Diabla: because your pregnant your staying on the death row for 8 months because your 1 month pregnant you stay in a room for 23 hours , get to go out for 1 for outside workout but you get more things , tv .. better food , and get whatever you want from the commissary
Violet: do you guys have a phone ? ( I whisper )

( I walk over to my bunk and take diablas phone .. I grab it and dial Logan's number )

Logan: hello ?
Violet: baby it's me violet
Logan: oh my god ! V ! Baby how are you ?!
Violet: I'm fine baby seriously .. prison life isn't that bad
Logan: oh my god I miss your beautiful face ( I can hear Logan beginning to sob )
Violet: I miss you more baby
Logan: how did you get a phone ?
Violet: I have my ways ( laughs ) I made some prison friends who lend me there phone
Logan: are you nervous baby ?
Violet: of course ... I never thought that the way I would go out would be by the death penalty
Logan: everything's gonna be okay baby .. just remember I'll always be by your side .. no matter what
Violet: thank you baby ( I smile ) but what if I do get the death penalty ?
Logan: won't you have a plan to not get that ?
Violet: You would have to talk to the black dragons .. I don't have any charge in that to me it's fine if I get killed by the death penalty .. I deserve it
Logan: I already told you not to say that okay ? You do not deserve it

Violet: I have to go baby I love you
Logan: I lov-

( I hang up and hide the phone under my bed and stand out of my bunk )

Sophia: how was the call ? Did you guys have phone sex ? ( she whispers over to me )
Violet: I wish ( giggles )

CO: Alright thanks ladies ! Have a good night !

( we all get in bed and they turn the lights off )

Sophia: are you scared about tomorrow ?
Violet: I'm nervous .. fucking nervous ..
Sophia: sometimes I've seen cases where if the defendant has good people who backs her up she can stay in general population and not have to go into death row .. you might have the chance to stay in general because your lawyer can fight human rights because your pregnant
Violet: were you a lawyer before you were locked up ?
Sophia: actually yeah .. ( laughs ) I had a good life until I decided to fuck it up because my boyfriend wanted me to commit robbery to a bank
Violet: did he get locked up ?
Sophia: yeah he got 10 years I got 8 in on my 7th year ..
violet: your almost getting out that's amazing
Sophia: I'll be able to see my children after 7 years

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