the 3 orphans ..

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Rain drops tap onto the ground as the fall from the sky ..

Rays of people down the street are heard roaring of sadness ..

Tear drops falling from an eye to the ground

2 parents dead

3 children left as orphans ..

What has the world come to ?

Violet: even though my mother left me and my two brothers when we were all young .. she is still the best woman who has been in my life .. and now she's in heaven watching over her three beautiful children with our daddy ( tears start rushing down my face )
She will always be known as the best person who ruled Egypt .. even if I just started being with her these last few months because of my choices I will still love her no matter fucking what !
( prince grabs me and wraps me in his arms under his umbrella .. as blanket wanted to say some words as well )
Blanket: even though Diana isn't my real mother .. she will always be considered as my mother in my life .. my biological mother also died when I was younger but diana is the person who was a shoulder I was able to cry on .. a friend I was able to talk to and someone who took me In as her son even though she wasn't my mother .. she will always be in my heart and in my mind I love you so much mommy .. please look over us ..
( I hug blanket so tightly as prince also wanted to say something )

Prince: our both parents are gone but will never be forgotten among their families .. their sons and daughter .. their fans and the people they inspired I as the oldest one will always do everything to take care of my two younger siblings .. I promise that to my father and I will promise that to the woman who gave me life .. you did not deserve to die like this mommy ..

( our mothers body is buried next to her mother and fathers bodies .. everyone starts leaving as the funeral comes to a close .. I go inside the castle with prince and blanket )

Prince: you killed the person that stabbed mother ?
Violet: of course .. I wouldn't let that bastard leave this house alive .. she died right in my arms .. I couldn't stop freaking out
Blanket: what's gonna happen to Egypt now ? Who's taking care of it ?

Prince looks at me with a face ..

Violet: no I can't I won't !
Prince: the next one to become queen is you violet , who else is going to become queen ?!
Violet: fuck .. ( I cry ) I wish I was their with mom that day fuck ! ( I cry )
Prince: it's nobodies fault v .. now cmon ( he hugs me ) we have to go look if mom had a will or not

( we go upstairs to her study where she would work and sign any papers she needed for Egypt , we look through her books and she a binder titled )

Queen Diana Aphrodite deniles will ..

Violet: I found it
( I say while showing it to princes and blanket )

I queen Diana Aphrodite denile must have died by now for my 3 beautiful children to have seen this binder .. first of all my 3 children I am sorry I wasn't their for the 3 of you all the time .. I love you 3 , prince violet and blanket all so much and you will always be in my heart and I will look over you in heaven with your father which I promise is still loving you 3 ..

My earnings ..
right now at the moment in total I have 300 billion dollars in my bank account
My daughter violet Katherine Michael Jackson receives 100 billion
My son prince Michael Jackson the 1st receives 100 billion
And also my 2nd son prince Michael Jackson the 2nd otherwise known as blanket will receive 100 billion as well

Please my darlings use that money for your advantage and for whatever you need ..

My cars ..

I have about 10 Lamborghinis , 3 rolls roce and 4 ferráis please take that into consideration and prince please be in charge of doing whatever you need with those cars

My clothing ..

My clothing is made by real designers and may be expensive because I've worn them as well .. violet if you would like to keep some I have some beautiful dresses you would look amazing in or sale them to earn more money for yourselfs

My royal title
Violet Katherine Michael Jackson .. my beautiful daughter .. please take my title and become queen of Egypt .. you won't have to leave in Egypt but you will take responsibilities for our country ..

I love you three a lot ..
Please take care ..

Violet: I can't do it ... I won't if I become queen my whole life is gonna change and the police is gonna know I'm here I won't be able to protect myself I don't know anything about taking care Egypt !
Prince: you have to atleast fucking try !! ( he yells As he slams his fist against the table ) it's not our fucking fault you committed choices that would affect you for the rest of your life you have been in this will ever since you were 10 and we have to be their for mother because we weren't their for her when we turned into adults didn't we ?!

( he comes closer to my face .. screaming )

With every word my brother says

My heart breaks into a million pieces more .. 

He has never yelled at me ..

Or even tried judging me for what I have done

Prince: it's not mothers fault you did this ! We left her almost her whole life .. her by herself living in a huge fucking castle ! Like I fucking said before .. you have been in the will ever since you've been 10 .. so it's not your choice to make it's something you-

I walk out of the room , not letting my brother finish his sentence .. he chases me .. screaming my name

Violet: if you actually fucking feel this way then you should never see me again
Prince: that's all you know what to do ! Run ! All you do is fucking run !!

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