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Next morning .. 10:12 am ..

I end up running towards the bathroom ..

With a huge pain in my stomach and I throw up , Logan comes running towards me holding my hair back

Logan: are you okay ? What's going on ?
Violet: Logan , does it look like I'm okay ?

( I throw up once more )

Violet: oh fuck .. did the food from last nights party make me sick ?
Logan: probably .. or are you pregnant ?
Violet: f's no , I'm too young to have kids

( I brush my teeth and head downstairs where the chiefs have already prepared breakfast .. we eat )

Pam: how does it feel being queen violet ?
Violet: it feels amazing .. for my mom it must have been depressing .. she would have been alone in this palace by herself with no one ..
prince: it was really hard on our mother .. but she left us to be with this country because she thought our father would be a better caretaker than she would
Blanket: she was right ..

Violet: excuse me ..

( I run towards the bathroom again and throw up .. Logan holds back my hair )

Katherine: is she pregnant ?
Prince: that's the second time she's thrown up

Princes pov ..
I walk towards the bathroom to check on violet and I see her over the toilet bowl throwing up
Prince: you need to go get a pregnancy test
Violet: I'm not fucking pregnant

( Logan comes closer towards me to whisper in my ear )

Logan: we've had sex before without a condom though ...
Violet: can I go to the drug store here by myself ?
Prince: I'll go with you , Logan stay back here yeah ?
Logan: of course ..

( we tell the chancellor we have to go to the drug store but he says we have to wear our crowns when we go out , we do as he says and go out where everyone begins to stare at us and come up to us for pictures but we kindly denied and we head over to the drug store where I get 4 pregnancy test )

Violet: if I'm actually pregnant then omg that baby is gonna be without a mother ..
prince: shut up don't say that

( we return back to the palace where I race into the bathroom and take every single one of the pregnancy test .. )

Logan and prince stand out the door ..

4 minutes later ..

Oh fuck no ..

Logan's pov
Logan: baby ? Are you okay ?
Prince: she's been in there for 10 minutes

Violets pov .
I keep staring at the pregnancy test .. 1 line negative 2 lines positive ..

And guess what there is ? 2 lines ..

I unlock the door and let prince inside first .. I back away and cover my mouth in shock

Prince: a baby Logan ? ( he blushes )

( prince hugs me tightly .. I am still in shock but hug him back )

Prince: are you still in shock ?
Violet: I'm kinda excited .. I mean it's with the person I love ..
prince: you have to let this happen okay v ?

( Logan knock softly on the door )

Logan: can I come in now ?
Prince: I'll let you two be alone ..

( prince leaves and let's Logan comes inside , Logan closes the door behind him and I let Logan see the test on the sink , he turns around and I see tears streaming down his face )

Logan: I'm so fucking happy ..
( he says crying in my arms )
Violet: we're gonna be parents .. ( I blush )
Logan: I'm just happy we're having this child together .. ( he blush )

We kiss passionately and begin to cry in each other's arms .. I grab the pregnancy test and stare at it

I have to accept it that I'm pregnant.. but with the love of my on life ..

We both hold hands and walk outside and I hand over the test to Pam .. she screams in excitement and hands over the test to Greg and they hand it over to the rest of my family members

Pam: omg I'm gonna be a grandma !!!! ( she cries hugging me and Logan )
Greg: we're gonna be grandparents !! ( they laugh )

( my grandma comes up to me and rubs my arm )

Grandma: your mother and father would be so happy to be grandparents sweetie ..
violet: thank you grandma .. I wish they were here today ..

( everyone continues to talk .. but I back away from everyone and sneak to go visit my mother's tomb )

My mother was the queen of Egypt .. so she got a tomb with a sarcophagus a beautiful one .. when I die as well I will get one too ..

I enter the pyramid that hold my mother's body .. inside the pyramid it has many things inside .. a museum about our family history and my past relatives are also in a sarcophagus in a small section for themselves inside the pyramid

They each a concrete room with picture and stuff that belong to them inside that room .. I go inside my mother's tomb .

Violet: hi mommy .. now that I'm here I wanted to come talk to you .. probably you already know this but I'm pregnant .. ( I blush with tears coming out of my eyes ) and I wish you were here with me to help me through this time of my life .. I don't know how I'm gonna be a mom .. I mean what if one day the police actually catch me and I go through the death penalty ? Or life in prison ? My baby girl will be alone with Logan .. the love of my life .. I wish you and daddy were here to teach me how to go through this .. I will always wish that .. but thank you mommy for listening to me today .. and I promise you I will take care of the country you left behind .. me .. prince and blanket will protect it with all our might mommy .. we always will ..

( I place flowers on her glass case where her sarcophagus is inside .. and I leave a kiss on her glass case .. )

Violet: I promise I'll do good for you mommy .. and also daddy .. I'll probably see you both very very soon ..

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