i cant lose you

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violets pov .

My phone wakes me up blasted with a constant number of messages from my manager, prince , blanket and some other of my family members .. I decided to call my manager David .

violet: hey hey what's up ?
David: go to channel 9

I wake up Logan to hand me the tv controller and I change it to channel 9

A few number of murders have recently appeared in LA and riots have broken out .. many have been to believe that were caused by 22 year old killer and the late Michael Jackson's daughter violet Jackson who has been on the run for about 30 months now , she is known to be the youngest killer out there who has killed 3 people .

Many people and gangs from the lower sides of LA have been angry at the Los Angeles county sheriffs department that they haven't arrested violet Jackson yet .. many have broken into schools , destroyed shops , exploded cars and others have even killed some people .. we are asking for anyone who has information on violet Jackson to please call the Los Angeles sheriffs department a reward is being given of one million dollars

Violet: I have a bounty on my head I haven't been in LA in so long?!
David: they believe that your the one causing these murders .. the black dragons have called me saying that their are gangs wanting to go to war with them because everyone knows your involved with them
Violet: do I have to go talk to the black dragons ?
David: it's too dangerous to head over there you have to do it at night .
violet: I'll go tonight around 11 , the black dragons are still there around 5
David; let me know what happens

( hangs up )

Logan: baby are you okay ?
Violet: I've been through this before .. at Egypt , people started making riots because the queen of Egypt brought her murderer daughter into a country I have to stay put .
Logan: we won't be going out today , we will stay here
Violet: probably throughout the day my family is going to come bombarded us with questions though four the day I have to call prince

Prince: hey v ! Are you okay ?
Violet: yeah I found out about what happen from David
Prince: please stay at Logan's house okay ? You have to stay there
Violet: it's okay p , I'm fine
Prince: I love you so much v I just want you to be safe
Violet: I love you too p . I will

Logan: what's the plan ?
Violet: gotta put the place on lock down .. Brendon and Evan can't leave as well and we gotta tell the security to be on high alert ..

( we call a meeting downstairs with the security and everyone else who lives in the house we explain everything that happen to them and they agree , Logan gets into the shower and I sit on our balcony .. to think )

People might say what I did .. is the most horrible choice anyone could have ever made .. and no one should go through that .. but I did it because I love my parents more than my own life ..

Throughout the years of my childhood .. and teenage years I didn't have that many friends .. only a few trust worthy ones .. some of the friends I had were forced on me by there parents because they wanted to get money from Michael Jackson's daughter .. others just felt bad for me ..

I was bullied horribly in my teenage years .. which caused three of my suicide attempts that made me end up in the hospital ..

And guess who were the only ones there for me ?

My mom & dad .

Sometimes in life .. the ones who are close to you , aren't the ones you always wanna trust .

Because they can always stab you in the back

And wanna cause a war

A couple hours later .. 10:34 pm .
~ violets pov~

Logan is asleep .. so I decided to sneak out right now .. I change into dark ripped jeans .. a black crop top & my black dragons jacket & black boots ..

I walk slowly towards Logan and kiss his forehead ..

Violet: I love you so much .. ( I whisper )

When I try to leave , I see Brendon sitting at the dinning table .

Brendon: are you leaving again ?
Violet: I have some business to take care of , I'm not leaving forever Brendon
Brendon: are you gonna be okay ?
Violet: yeah I promise ( I smile )
Brendon: please take care of yourself ?
Violet: I will thanks , I promise I'll be here before Logan wakes up

I walk outside to the garage and head into my white BMW and I drive over to the black dragons warehouse .. I go into there garage and head inside where everyone bows for me .

Jacob: violet .. we thought you were still in Egypt
Violet: my mother died a few months ago she got stabbed and I killed the person who killed her

( everyone bows down there heads and say a small prayer for my mother )

Violet: I'm here to talk about what's been going on in downtown LA
Jacob: there's been a lot of gangs coming our way who has said they will give us 2,000,000 dollars for us to tell them where you are but of course we denied
Violet: which gangs ?
Jacob: mostly the black angels or the skulls
Victoria: don't forget they want us to kill her
Violet: no one here is fighting with anyone .. there can't be any bloodshed

Brett comes running towards us

Brett: the black angels and the skulls are outside .. someone ratted that violets here

( we all walk outside and all of the dragons follow me )

Spencer(skulls leader): Wow .. so our sources was right the murderer was here .. but your more beautiful in person
( he puts his fingers up and down from my face)
Brett: don't fucking touch her
Spence: relax pretty boy ( laughs ) I'm just here trying to make amends tonight since pretty much some riots are already happing
Violet: what do you want ?
Penny(black angels leader): you pretty ( she laughs )

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