Runaway jackson..

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  Violet: you fucked up my life ! Why the hell did you have to open your fucking mouth ! ( cries )
Prince: v , v ! Calm down bud
Violet: haven't you thought my life was already fucked up these past 20 months ?!

Tears start dripping down my red face ...

mascara runs down my face ..

prince takes the gun from me and sits me on the floor with him .. wraps me in his arms

Violet: I wish daddy was here ( I cry loudly )
Jackie: what's the plan v ? ( he says quietly coming closer to me)
Violet: I'm gonna have to go to Egypt with my mother .. I'll be safer there .. the United States government won't be able to get me in a foreign country but Logan .. he's alone ..
Prince: I'll always be there to check on him okay ? And you can send me letters to give to him v ..
Violet: the police must be at his house by now .. but I have to go
Tito: the jets ready for you princess

( I hug goodbye everyone and go up to my brothers )

Violet: thank you to the both of you seriously .. our life has changed so much because of me and I'm so sorry .. I love you both very much ( tears stream down my face and I tightly hug my brothers .. grab my gun and head into the bmw where I drive off to the airport and get out the car )

Security guard: we are ready for you ms Jackson
Violet: thank you ..

I get in ..

Sit down ..

And close my eyes ..

The only way I can be myself and happy is in my dreams ...

~ Logan's pov ~

Officer Jacobs: Mr Paul .. we know you have a assistant named Jaqueline Spencer's right ?
Logan: yes that's correct
Officer Jacobs: where is she ?
Logan: I have a right to stay silent with any questions regarding her
Officer Jacobs: alright mr Paul

( both my parents come barging into my house with a lawyer )

Pam: okay now that we're here my son isn't going to answer any questions
Officer Jacobs: mrs stepnick I am officer Jacobs apart of the FBI national investigation team against violet Jackson we have been notified by the Jackson family that violet Jackson has been secretly identified as Jaqueline Spencer's who is thought to be known as his assistant
Lawyer: if Jaqueline Spencer's is violet Jackson mr Paul did not have the idea or the clue that she was Jaqueline therefore he cannot be charged with hiding a fugitive
Officer Jacobs: mr Paul .. violet Jackson isn't a good person which you must think she is .. she has ran the most biggest drug cartel across the world .. has murdered 2 people who are innocent and has been an accomplice to gang murders she isn't a good person
Logan: ( stands up in anger ) those people weren't innocent ! They killed her father ! Her father wasn't suppose to die ! Violet needed her dad more than anything !
Officer Jacobs: she was here wasn't she ?
Greg: he is not responding to any question
Officer Jacobs: well here you go
( hands me a letter )
Officer Jacobs: we have a warrant to search the house , now will you excuse us ?

they walk off and search the house ..

tears start streaming down my face as violets face keeps popping up in my head

I fall onto the ground and burst into tears ..

my mother and father comfort me ...

Logan: I miss her so much ( I whisper into there ears )

Violets pov ...
I arrive in Egypt

.. my bags are put into a limo and then I arrive to the palace ..

A trail of guards on both sides as I walk towards the double doors of the palace .. the maids all take my bags inside to my room and start unpacking

I go inside to be greeted by my beautiful mother ..

Diana: how are you princess ? ( she says kissing my forehead )
Violet: worried .. scared
Diana: you'll be safe here beautiful ... you don't have to worry okay ? Come you must be starving

( she takes me into a huge dinning room I sit down and be served ribs and fries by the castles chief )

Violet: you know that this is my favorite meal huh ?
Diana: you've been asking for it ever since you were little bud
Violet: of course ( I smile )
Diana: how's Logan baby ?
Violet: he's fine .. he was investigated by the police .. I don't know how that went but I think he's fine ...
Diana: can you call him ? Check up on him ?
Violet: no .. police can check phone and texting logs now .. I don't wanna get myself arrested and get him as well ..
Diana: do you miss him ?
Violet: of course I do .. I wish I never got him into this mess ..

Logan's pov ..

The police has left ..

I make myself a tea and sit down by myself at my dinning table ..

I can feel my tears streaming down my face ..

My heart completely shattered into a million pieces ..

The only thing I can think about is her .. her beautiful eyes .. hair .. jawline .. lips .. face , just everything about her is so beautiful ..

Evan: dude .. are you okay ?
Logan: no .. ( tears start falling faster and I hug Evan )
Evan: it's not your fault dude .. it was all her aunt ..
Logan: I know .. but I wish she was here with me ..
Evan: she got you all hooked up on her .. you both do deserve each other ..
Logan: she's the love of my life .. I don't know what I would do if she actually got the death penalty ..I wish I can be with her and protect her ...
Evan: I know dude .. everything's gonna be okay ..

Violets pov ..

Diana: are you done v ?
Violet: yeah .. where's my room ?
Diana: come on sweetheart ..

We both walk through long hallways that have golden walls and beautiful structure .. paintings all over the walls and pictures of our family and the ones before us ..

We reach my room and my jaw drops ...

Diana: all yours bud Violet: this is huge compared to my old home

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Diana: all yours bud
Violet: this is huge compared to my old home ..

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