Jessica hamptons trial

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Jessica hamptons set to be on trial today for the kidnapping and attempted murder of the daughter of the late king of pop Michael Jackson and the queen of Egypt Queen Diana denile .. violet Katherine Michael Jackson ..

She was tortured .. beaten and even shot in the arm by her step sister Jessica Hampton ..

Violets pov ..
I still wake up to the smell of medicine in the mornings and the sound of machines and doctors or nurses running around .. and to my side I see Logan sleeping ..

And of course of how a bitchy wife I am I throw a pillow at him .

Logan: what happen ?
Violet: nothing I'm bored ( laughs )
Logan: and you had to wake me up for that ( groans )
Violet: so you can keep me company .. today's jessicas trial
Logan: how are you gonna be taken over there ?
Violet: a wheel chair ugh .. I can't walk my legs feel numb from the cuts
Logan: and then your coming back to the hospital right ?
Violet: yeah that's what the nurse told me

The nurse comes inside

Nurse: good morning ms Jackson .. mr Paul .. I brought both of you your breakfast
( she places it on the stand )
Nurse: the trial is at 10 am and it's 9:10 right now .. your brother is suppose to come in with some clothing , he just called to ask if you were awake
Violet: oh okay
Nurse: you will be transported to the court house in a wheel chair and will return here to continue treatment
Violet: okay thank you so much

( she smiles and then leaves , blanket comes inside with clothes for the trial )

Blanket: I got some clothes for the trial , i tried to give you style .. not sure ..( laughs )

The judge allowed me to wear something comfortable since I'm injured

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The judge allowed me to wear something comfortable since I'm injured .

I get on the wheel chair and we head outside where paparazzi are already at .. Logan gets me inside my matte black Range Rover and puts the wheel chair in the back .. we drive over to the court house and the security make lines towards the paparazzi and the entrance of the court house .

We go inside and I try to ignore the questions of the paparazzi.. I have to sit next to our lawyer who is assigned to this case to defend me .. I go over and sit next to him and he explains everything .

And then Jessica comes inside the court room in a grey jumpsuit , with handcuffs .. and her face is all bruised up

Judge: everyone but the jury may be seated , mr Abraham .. please swear in the jury
Bailiff: Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant? (Jury should answer "I do"). You may be seated.
Judge: Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty, what is today's case?

Bailiff: Your Honor, today's case is The State of California versus Jessica hamptons
Judge: Is the prosecution ready?
Prosecuting Attorneys: (stand up) Yes, Your Honor. (Be seated)
Judge: Is the defense ready?
Defense Attorneys: (stand up) Yes, Your Honor. (Be seated).

Prosecution Attorney: Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Joan white and I am representing the state of California and violet Jackson  in this case. We intend to prove that Jessica hamptons  is guilty of committing the kidnapping and torture of mrs violet Jackson Paul . Thank you
Judge: prosecution you may call your first witness to the stand
Prosecution; thank you , your honor .. I call to the stand the victims husband Logan Paul 
Judge: Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff. (Witness stands)
Bailiff: (To the witness) Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Witness: I do. (Witness goes to the stand and sits down)

Prosecution: mr Paul .. can you tell me why you had some sort of hatred towards your wife's step sister ?
Logan: violet is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and Jessica was trying to get her back into drugs .. violets birthday has recently passed and one of my friends .. my brothers girlfriend said that Jessica told her she was going to give her I believe about 3 pounds of weed
Prosecution: is that why you did not invite her to violets birthday party you hosted ?
Logan: no , I did it for her safety
Judge: the defense may cross examine this witness

Defense: mr Paul , didn't you motivate ms Jackson into finding out if Jessica was her real sister
Logan: yes but I didn't know she would turn out to be a troublemaker for violet

Judge: the witness may step down the prosecution may call there next witness
Prosecution: I call the next witness to the stand , the victim violet Jackson

Prosecution: now ms Jackson can you explain to us why you and Jessica had some problems among each other ?
Violet: I am the queen of Egypt .. and I became it because my mother former queen Diana left me the title and Jessica thinks because she's my step sister that she has to become queen her self as well but she's not
Prosecution: now here are some pictures of the torture Jessica hamptons did to her own step sister violet Jackson

( the prosecution shows up pictures of the cuts and shot wounds and the cut in the middle of my chest and my bruises )

Prosecution: I think there's no doubt about it .. Jessica hamptons is guilty .

A couple hours have past of evidence being shown.. and Jessica is charged with first degree kidnapping and attempted murder

She will spend her life in prison .

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