prince .

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( Brett carries prince and we all get into a suv where I sit in the back and have prince in my arms .. blood get all over my hands and tears streaming down my face with all of us drenched in rain .. )

This can be happing right now ..

A couple hour later ..

Tic toc

Tic toc

Tic toc..

The arm of the clock moving around the number ..

The wind blowing through my hair ..

The footsteps and running around of the nurses and doctors ..

Everything is so silent ..

All I have in my mind is

Is prince going to survive ?

Is he going to leave me ?

I'm I losing my mind ?

I don't know what to tell myself anymore .. I've lost so many people important to me in my life .. and to lose my other greatest best friend .. prince please don't leave me I will lose my fucking mind if you leave me please ..

I sit down in the waiting room with the other black dragons standing around talking .. Logan , Brendon , Evan and Veronica are still at the Jackson home because we told them not to move but we informed them about what is going on ..

I sit down with my face in my hands and tears still streaming down my face ..

I mean what do I do ? The last time I was crying this bad is when my mother died .. and now my brother is going to die too ? What the fuck do I do ?! I literally do not know what the fuck do I do ! I can't take this shit anymore !

Logan calls me ..

Logan: baby are you okay ? Is everything alright ?
Violet: no ( I cry ) nothing is fine nothing at all ( I cry ) I'm happy to hear your voice though
Logan: baby are you sure I can't go to the hospital ?
Violet: you can't loges.. we don't know if any black skull or serpent is hiding outside the Jackson home
Logan: I hate hearing you like this love
Violet: I know .. I wish you were here with me but we have to keep you , Evan , Brendon and especially Veronica safe okay baby ?
Logan: okay baby yeah ..
violet: we're you given a gun ?
Logan: yeah I was , i dont like holding it though
Violet: I'm sorry baby but you already know like I was saying .. it's for your and everybody else's safety , how is everyone else doing ?
Logan: everyone's asleep .. I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking of you
Violet: I love you so much Logan okay ? Go rest
Logan: now that I know your okay I think I can
Violet: go rest
Logan: I love you so damn much v
Violet: I love you more

We hang up .

I stand outside ..

Light up a cigarette..

When I was younger , this always helped me calm down ..

I take deep breaths .. and puff out the smoke ..

Brett comes outside and stands next to me

Brett: is everything okay violet ?
Violet: my brother is in surgery because he got stabbed .. do you think everything is okay ?

( Jacob comes racing outside )

Jacob: the doctor is here with news hurry !

( we all race inside and I stand in front of the doctor )

Doctor: who are you to the patient ?
Violet: his sister
Doctor: prince suffered a large cut and 5 inches deep .. and it made a hole in his lung but we were able to sew it back and the surgery was a success.. but he lost a lot of blood , however now we want to see how he is under a breathalyzer for a week .. so we placed him under a medical induced acoma but everything is going well
Violet: can I go see him ?
Doctor: family members only please
Brett: go v , we will stay out here

( I smile and race to where princes hospital room is .. I see wires all over and hear machines working .. I walk towards him and leave a long kiss on his forehead .. I sit down on the chair next to him and hold his hand )

Violet: I'm so happy everything went okay prince .. I'm so happy your alright p .. if you ever left me .. I don't know what I would do .. I would finally lose my fucking mind .. I'm not even joking .. I love you so much p .. so fucking much .. I want you to forgive me for the shit I have done in my life and I promise you I will get better .. and I will improve to make a better life for myself ..

A couple hours later ..

I leave the hospital and head over to the Jackson family home where everyone races towards me and hugs me
Logan: baby .. how is p ?
Violet: he's fine .. he's in a medical induced coma .. where's daddy I wanna see daddy ..
Katherine: darling are you alright ?
Violet: I wanna see daddy where is he !
Evan: she's drunk or high
Blanket: no no she better have not start that shit again
Violet: I WANT DADDY !!!
Logan: v calm down
Violet: get away from me ! I want my daddy where's Michael ?! ( I cry ) where's p ? Blankey blankey come here

Logan's pov .

( violet hugs blanket )
Violet: everything's okay b .. everything's fine ( she tears up ) I'm going to protect you like if you were roni.. your gonna be like my son b ..
Logan: baby cmon you have to rest ..
violet: yes yes ..

( I take her up to our room and she grabs baby v carefully and they both sleep together with baby v on top of her )

This woman is the love of my life .. and I will protect her with all I can I promise Michael , prince , blanket , Katherine and Joseph .. I will protect her even if that means my life has to end just to let her enjoy hers

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