The final plan pt2

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Blanket: violet !!!!!!!

Blanket yells ..

Penny stands behind me ..

I get my arm in a twist and my gun is knocked from my hand by another black skull



Blankets pov .
blanket: VIOLET !!!!!!!!!!!

I run towards her body .. and place her on top of me ..

My clothes begin to be covered with blood ..

I try to feel her pulse .. but I feel nothing .. I hug her as hard as I can and I whisper in her ear ..

Blanket: finally everyone will leave you alone v .. please be peaceful now ..

Brett shoots penny and we get into our cars .. we drive back to the black dragons warehouse where the doctor is already waiting for us to treat all of the black dragons but they go first with violet ..

They take her into a room and we stay outside and just sit in agony ..

Jacob: what are we going to tell Logan ? And his family ?
Blanket: we all have to go and talk to him .. probably he's already trying to look for her ..

The doctor comes out ..

Doctor: violet suffered 3 bullet wounds to her heart .. and lost so much blood .. I'm so sorry but she's gone ..

Is this how violet felt when she found out that our brother and parents were dead ?

I feel so horrible and in pain

Jacob: everyone ! Please let's take a moment of silence for Queen violet Katherine Michael Jackson Paul .. let her legacy live on forever ..

We take about 3 minutes of silence and then we head over to Logan's home to deliver the news

Logan: hey guys ! Omg im so happy to see you ! Have you seen violet ?! I haven't seen her at all

Oh god poor guy ..

Logan: why are you guys looking at me like that ? Blanket did you kill someone why do you have blood all over you guys ? And why are you all wet ? Where's violet ?
Blanket: Logan .. please sit down
Logan: Jake , Erika , Brendon Evan ! ( he calls them over and they sit on the couch )

Blanket: we the black dragons had a plan .. we titled our final plan .. it was for us to make an secret attack onto penny's crew .. where all the members from the black skulls and angels were going to met in one place and we decided to get rid of them all at once .. violet was there and she wanted to do this for you and your children to have a better place to live and not have any problems with any gangs at all .. so we did it and we were all fighting .. while violet was fighting another member penny was behind her pointing a gun .. she turned around and got her arm twisted behind her by another member and her gun thrown .. penny shot her three times in the heart I'm so sorry Logan she's gone

Logan's pov
Logan: she's not gone .. no you guys are just hiding her from me ! Where the fuck is she ! My wife isn't dead !

I stand up

Logan: my wife isn't fucking dead !!!

Jake grabs me and holds me

Logan: she's not dead ( I cry )
Jake: Shhhhh Logan... ( he cries as well ) shhh
Logan: where is her body ? I want to see it ..
Blankets pov
We all get back into our cars and drive off back to the black dragons warehouse ..

Logan brought the babies as well so they can say there final goodbyes ..

But first we let Logan go inside by himself

Logan's pov ..
My heart beats so fast as I walk towards violets body that is covered under a white sheet

I uncover her face and my heart shatters

Logan: oh violet oh fuck ... I'm fucking speechless right now I don't know what to say ( I cry ) all I can say right now is that I will never never in my fucking life forget you .. you will always be my wife and the love of my life .. I don't think I'll ever be able to find someone else like you and I don't be with anyone else ( I cry ) I'm so heart broken... I will protect our children always ... and I will take care of Egypt . And then pass it on to Veronica .. I love you so much violet

I kiss her forehead .. and I tell everyone else to come inside ..

Jakes pov ..
Logan goes into the corner as we see violet lifeless body ..

Violet is Logan's love of his life .. and I consider violet as my own little sister .. this girl means so much to me and now to see that she's dead .. breaks my heart into a million pieces

My mother and father arrive as well to say there final goodbyes to violet and some of her family members as well ..

Logan still sits in the corner .. depressed and crying into the palm of his hands .. my mother hugs him and cries with him .. and so does my father

Erika: poor Logan ..

The babies are playing with there toys on the floor ..

They don't even know there own mom is dead ..

They won't know till they'll probably 7

Violets body is being sent to the coroners office so she can be sent to a funeral home .. we have to because it won't cause suspicion on what actually happen to her

Jake: you shouldn't be alone Logan
Logan: can you stay over ?
Jake: of course ..

We head back to Logan's home and Erika joins us as well and so does my mother and father

Logan: mom , I have to find v's will
Pam: do you think she had one ?
Logan: well of course .. she has a lot she left behind ..

Logan's pov ..

I race into violets office and look through her bookcase and so does my family

Jake: look what I found

( he takes out a box )

Jake: open it logan

I open the box and see 4 diaries , a phone , and a binder that says violet Katherine Michael Jackson's will

Logan: what should I look at first ( I say as I wipe my tears )

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