logan and violet

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Logan: why haven't you guys made a plan on how to bring her down ?
Violet: ( she stays quiet )
Logan: why haven't you guys !

Violets pov

Logan raises his voice

Jake: Logan don't yell at her
Logan: you don't tell me what to do with my own fucking wife !
Jake: don't fucking yell at her ! She just got fucking raped and your yelling at her ?!
Logan: I'm sorry
Violet: Jake .. can logan go stay with you for a few nights ?
Logan: v
Jake: yes v anything for you
Violet: Logan go pack your things
Logan: v cmon we can talk about this
Violet: just leave me the fuck alone ( she walks away crying )

My heart is broken ..

Why did I just do that ?

I go into our room and pack a few outfits .. I see violet just laying down on the bed crying .. when I finish packing .. i kiss her forehead and just leave

Violets pov

I made Logan stay with Jake because I didn't wanna have anymore negativity in my life .. I don't wanna be yelled at

I couldn't tell Logan about the plan because it's a life or death situation and he would make me not do it but I have to

Of course he will return back in a few days or even weeks .. but I have to take my mind off some things ..

I decide to just fall asleep , with Veronica and ale .. I didn't wanna be alone in the night

Next morning
I decide to head over to neverland with the babies and some security guards .. blanket came over as well to check on me

Blanket: what the fuck happen last night ?
( he ask while coming towards me hugging me )
Violet: Omer broke into Logan's house and raped me .. then Logan raised his voice at me , yelling at me and I told him to go over to Jakes house for a couple of nights
Blanket: is that all ?
Violet: yeah why ? Did something else happen ?
Blanket: uncle randy died from a shot to the head
Violet: penny ?
Blanket: yeah .. , why can't we do the plan already ? She's been ruining our life's for so long !
Violet: we can't yet .. we can't
Blanket: she's ruin yours the most !
Violet: I'm sorry but we can't yet b .. we have a couple more days until we're able to .. for now we just have to accept it
Blanket: I bet you they all think we're pussies
Violet: not for long b , not for long

We decide to go into the pool with the babies ..

Something like this can distract my mind

Lately since I found out about the plan I've been feeling suicidal and very depressed and now that this happen .. oh god they have increased more since I was 12 when I was sexually assaulted by one of my dads old friends

I miss Logan.. I shouldn't have made him leave .. but I couldn't accept that he was yelling at me .. I couldn't

Blanket: when are you going to let Logan come back ?
Violet: I don't know .. you know how I get when people yell at me ..
blanket: yeah like p ?
Violet: I wish p was still here , I'm not even joking
Blanket: we all wish that v, we really do

Logan's pov
I'm still here at jakes home .. just sitting down thinking about violet

Last night .. her face was red

Bruised ..

She was crying

And she was shaking and terrified

And I yelled at her .. I really yelled at her

It's all my fault .. and I have to go save my marriage !

Violets pov
Me , Veronica , ale and blanket head over to the home movie theater and blanket went to go get some more popcorn until I see Logan around the corner coming in with blanket

In his hands he has a bouquet of roses

I go over to hug him and I cry in his arms

Logan: I love you so much
( he kisses my forehead and I kiss him )
Logan: I promise I'll protect you , I really do .. I won't yell at you and I'll be the best husband ever
Violet: I know you will love .. I know you will

I hug Logan and blanket leaves because he sees im better ..

We put Veronica and ale to sleep and we go into our room together .

And we just make out .. make out for a long time ..

Logan: I'm so sorry for what I did To you love
Violet: it's okay .. I'm just happy your sorry ..

I love this man more than anything .. seriously ..

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