june 25th

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" V .. "

" daddy ? .. is that you ? "

" hi darling .."

" daddy ! I miss you so much ! "

" how are you my dearest angel ? "

" I'm okay .. I'm trying to be okay .. "

" you got the death penalty right ? "

" yeah daddy ... I'm so sorry if I'm disappointing you .. "

" you never disappoint me baby girl .. if I was there with you .. I would be trying my hardest to get you out of the place you do not belong .. "

" daddy I'm pregnant .. "

" oh my god ! That's so exciting ! .. how is everything going ? "

" everything's fine .. I'm staying in general population for 5 more months until the baby is born and given to Logan and then I get killed by the lethal injection "

" I'm so sorry baby .. "

" it isn't your fault daddy .. I love you so much "

" I love you more bud ... you'll always be my number one princess darling "

9:34 am .. ~ Violets pov .

4 months later ..

4 months have passed and nothing has changed ..

The only thing that is changing is the time of how close I am to the date I am dying ..

But my business has been growing ..

I've recruited a lot of pantie girls .. have 3 COS and Jessica transporting the panties out of the prison .. and guess what ? I'm getting richer by the minute

Today is June 25th .. the day my inspiration .. my everything and my protector .. my father Michael Joseph Jackson died of two gun shot wounds and three stab wounds .. and the day I murdered the murderers who killed my father ..

Some women of the prison have brought me gifts .. like snacks and shit like that .

The only thing I can think about is how much grief I have .. this man is my everything and will always be my everything

I love you so much daddy .

Princes pov ..
It is June 25th .. and a yearly tradition we do is go visit my fathers grave at the forest lawn cemetery .. with the Jackson family ..

We all head over there in black suvs and in black suits .. as we arrive there we see fans and news reporters already there

We all get out of the suvs and then get bombarded with questions and fans

How does it feel coming here without violet ?
How's is everything going with violets case ?
Are you already setting up a grave site for violet ?
Is violet going to be buried with Michael ?

Prince: please ! No more fucking stupid questions !

( we all race inside the section where my father body is .. I walk slowly towards it and begin to burst out in tears everyone else is talking to the media outside .. I'm alone in here .. )

" Prince .. "

" daddy ? Is that you ? "

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