The violet jackson trial

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Next morning ..
I stretch my legs out on my prison bunk and stretch my arms out .. I sit up on my bunk and see everyone else waking up but see Sophia still asleep .. I throw my pillow at her
Sophia: the fuck
Violet: wakey wakey soph ( laughs , i grab my pillow and grab my oral bag and walk towards the bathroom in my Sandals , i brush my teeth and then 3 girls walk towards me )

Girl: yo you Jackson ?
Violet: what's it to you ?
Girl: nice to met you I'm skanky, this is Jackie and the other one is nile.: we just wants to tell you that we're here if you need anything girl ight?
Violet: thank you .. that means a lot
Skanky: girls gotta have each other's backs , you know what I'm saying ?
Violet: of course .. and I'm here for all of you three if anything ( I smile )

I then head over to my bunk where two CO'S are waiting for me

CO Henderson: are you violet Jackson ?
Violet: yes
CO Henderson: huge fan of your family and you as well but anyways it's time for your trial , we have your clothes here that your going to change into let's go

( we all walk towards the intake of the prison where I am stripped searched and then changed into my trial clothing )

I then am handcuffed and put in the back of a van where I am transported at the court .


When I'm let out of the van , news reporters and cameras are being point into my face ..

" violet Jackson how do you feel today ? "

" are you ready to be given the death penalty ? "

" how is the Jackson family ? "

" are you innocent ? "

Violet: let's just see justice prevail ( laughs )

I enter the court room in handcuffs and see my family already in the back, I smile over at Logan ..

Oh I miss that man more than anything ..

We all stand as judge Ramirez enters the room

Judge: everyone but the jury may be seated , mr Abraham .. please swear in the jury
Bailiff: Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant? (Jury should answer "I do"). You may be seated.
Judge: Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilt to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty, what is today's case?

Bailiff: Your Honor, today's case is The State of California versus Violet Jackson Judge: Is the prosecution ready?
Prosecuting Attorneys: (stand up) Yes, Your Honor. (Be seated)
Judge: Is the defense ready?
Defense Attorneys: (stand up) Yes, Your Honor. (Be seated).

Prosecution Attorney: Your Honor, members of the jury, my name is Joan white and I am representing the state of California in this case. We intend to prove that violet Jackson is guilty of committing these 3 horrific murders . Thank you
Judge: prosecution you may call your first witness to the stand
Prosecution; thank you , your honor .. I call to the stand the victims wife Of the Michael Jackson murderer Abigail Jones
Judge: Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff. (Witness stands)
Bailiff: (To the witness) Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Witness: I do. (Witness goes to the stand and sits down)
Prosecutor: Mrs Jones .. do you remember the last thing your husband told you ?
Mrs Jones: all I remember is that he told me he was going out with one of his friends to do a job ..
prosecutor: and did he tell you what this job was ?
Mrs Jones: no .. he was always too secretive with me
Prosecutor: Did your husband have any involvement in drugs or had any mental health history ?
Mrs Jones: he had bipolar disorder ..
judge: the defense may cross-examine the witness

Defense: So Mrs Jones .. you were saying that your husband was always secretive with you ?
Mrs Jones: yes , he would always leave the house .. I would place a tracker in his car to track him on a app
Defense: did you track him to see where he would have went that day ?
Mrs Jones: I remember is that he went over to a warehouse sort of building ..
Defense: do you believe that your husband was involved in the murder of Michael Jackson ?
Mrs Jones: I'm not sure .. I don't believe anything
Judge: you may step down

Judge: Prosecution, you may call your second witness.
Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, your Honor. I call to the stand Janet Jackson
Judge: Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff. (Witness stands)
Bailiff: (to the witness) Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Witness: I do. (Witness goes to the stand and sits down)

Prosecutor: Janet , your violet Jackson's aunt correct ?
Janet: yes .
Prosecutor: why do you wish to go against her today ?
Janet: because I believe in the death penalty and I wish I wouldn't say this but my own niece deserves it .. I don't believe it was right for what she did
Prosecutor: so you do believe that your niece killed these 3 men
Janet: yes , no doubt about it ..
prosecutor: do you have anything to prove that ?

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