Mr & mrs paul .. // pt 2

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Logan: your the most beautiful , most gorgeous, most amazing , talented, brave , adorable girl I have ever fallen in love with v .. you mean the world to me and I would do anything for you to stay by my side forever .. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you beautiful .. and I mean every word I say .. forever
Violet: why I'm I crying too much ? ( I giggle as I wipe my tears away )
Logan: I love you v
Violet: I love you more loges ..

The first dance was over and mostly everyone in the audience were crying .. but then it was time for the surprise dance .. 😏

When we finish I run towards Logan and jump on him and hug him as well ..

For the rest of the time we continue drinking and eating until it was time for me and Logan to head to the airport for our honey moon to bora bora & Germany .. Pam is babysitting baby v until we get back

I kiss her goodbye and hug everyone else .. we both get into a white lambo and we have everything in our car for the trip .. we head to the airport where our private jet is .. we park the lambo into a garage and make our security guards put everything inside .. I run towards the jet still in my dress but of course Logan has to be too cheesy and Carry me into the jet where he takes me to the second floor of the jet where he throws me on the bed .. locks the door and starts getting on top of me

Logan: mrs Paul .. I would love to make you feel amazing today ( he smirks )
Violet: fuck I've missed you

We make out .. hard .. and he begins to undress me by first taking off my dress and revealing my body ..

He licks up and down my body softly .. we make out and while we do he takes my bra off .. makes me lay down .. and begins to suck on my nipples ..

Light moans slip out of my mouth .. he then licks my body all the way down to my pussy .. he takes my panties off and begins to eat me out until I cum into his mouth ... but then of course he has to torture me with fingering until I can't take it anymore ..

When he's done doing that .. he takes out his fingers and licks them which makes me even more wet .. until I see he pulls down his pants and I see what I was waiting for 😋

He goes inside of me .. thrusting hard .. I moan even louder .. but then he lays on the bed and makes me wanna ride him .. as I do that he smacks my ass leaving red hand marks until we both cum and lay right next to each other ..

Logan: I've missed you so fucking much beautiful
Violet: I've missed you more loges ( I smile )

We get dressed into regular day clothes and I hang up my wedding dress and we lay back into each other's arms ..

1 week later ..

~violets pov ~

We are on a plane ride back home .. me and Logan had the best honey moon ever .. every time we tried to go out we were always bombarded with paparazzi and camera flashes but I can say it was the best trip we ever had

When we land , we get into my white lambo and head back to our home where Pam and Greg are already waiting for us with baby v ..

I hug them and then grab baby v and kiss her forehead

Pam: how was the trip ?
Logan: amazing , there was a lot of paparazzi and cameras but it was fun
Greg: always asking you those dumb questions ?
Violet: you know it ( I smile ) by the way Greg Pam , we're having a family dinner tonight .. my house
Pam: oh alright .. is it about Logan ?
Violet: yes .. I need to make some calls I'll be back ..

( i call most of my family to invite them and also Logan's family to invite them over and have chiefs come over as well to begin cooking but then ... I get interrupted with me racing into the bathroom throwing up )

Logan: holy shit v are you okay ?
Violet: loges .. do I look okay ?
Logan: your pregnant !
Violet: no you can't tell that yet
Logan: we had a lot of unprotected sex v
Violet: ughhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

( I stand up and the first thing I do is head to a drug store get 5 pregnancy test and then head back to do them )

5 minutes later ..

Violet: oh my god !!! Why the fuck are you always right ?!!
Logan: I knew it !
( he looks at the test )
Logan: there's another thing we can announce at dinner today

I'm pregnant with our second baby .. and this baby won't even know who his grandparents or even his uncle .. but of course I will cherish and love this baby as much as I love Veronica

We begin to start getting ready for the dinner .. I of course dress in a black tight dress with Louis Vuitton Black heels and my hair down .. Logan dresses in a regular dress gray shirt and black dress pants we both go downstairs and see that our guest our arriving and then we begin to eat

Jake: how was the honey moon guys ?
Logan: amazing .. everything was so beautiful
Violet: yes of course ( I smile ) Pam , Greg .. Logan has a gift for you both ..

( he passes them a small box and they open it , there jaw drops )

Pam: oh my god congratulations v !

( they both come to hug me )
Blanket: wait what ?
Violet: I'm very much pregnant

( everyone hugs me and Logan )

Violet: I also made up this family dinner to announce that tomorrow we are leaving for Logan's coronation
Jake: what do you mean coronation ?
Pam: Logan is becoming king of Egypt
Jake: what the fuck ?
Logan: I married violet so that means I become king and tomorrow's the day ..

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