The violet jackson trial p2

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Prosecutor: so you do believe that your niece killed these 3 men
Janet: yes , no doubt about it ..
prosecutor: do you have anything to prove that ?
Janet: every year we would have a dinner to celebrate the anniversary of michaels death .. and one night 30 months ago violet wasn't home .. usually violet would be locked in her room alone , depressed .. crying over the anniversary of her fathers death .. but 5 hours later we were eating without her until we hear a big slam of a door and see prince .. violets brother run over towards the door .. we all then walk over to see violet wrapped in princes arms .. covered in blood and see a gun on the side of her covered in blood as well
Judge: the defense may cross-examine the witness

Defense: Janet .. you say you saw your niece arriving home after 5 hours of searching for her .. covered in blood .. crying and a gun full of blood next to her
Janet: yes
Defense: did you ever hear the words I killed someone come out of her mouth ?
Janet: no .. I mean isn't that a demonstration that she killed someone ?
Defense: so your just making an allegation? That is considered an allegations not a correct statement
Janet: I'm just saying what I saw
Judge: you may step down

Judge: defense .. you may call your first witness
Defense Attorney: Thank you, your Honor. I call to the stand Prince Jackson
Judge: Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff. (Witness stands)
Bailiff: (to the witness) Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Witness: I do. (Witness goes to the stand and sits down)

Defense: prince .. tell me a bit about your sisters relationship with each other
Prince: me and my sister tell each other everything .. we never hide anything from each other , I am very protective over her and always will be
Defense: we're you with her during the times of distress she went through when your father died ?
Prince: it's was a very traumatizing experience for all of us .. I mean our father died unexpectedly.. I had to show braveness among all of us but violet couldn't .. she had a closer relationship with our father than any of us .. I had a closer relationship with my mother .. she went through suicide attempts .. cyber bullying, bullying at school .. drug addictions , Alcohol abuse .. she was also sexually assaulted when she was 13 .. why wouldn't anyone be so angry that their father died ? Who wouldn't wish to kill the people who killed the man who protected you through anything ?! I mean what the media is saying about my sister isn't right ! She went through so much stuff for her to lead up to those crimes she committed
Defense: would you leave your sisters side if anything happens ?
Prince: never .. me and violet promised each other we would be by each other's side protecting our little brother blanket and taking care of a country together ..
judge: the prosecution may cross-examine this witness

Prosecution: so you are saying that your sister committed these crimes correct ?
Prince: yes .. but you people have to look in the other side as well she went through so much stuff for her not to be allowed to be seen as a human being
Prosecution: she is going to be allowed to be seen as a human being but these crimes can not change anything , she still committed these crimes .. even though she went through mental health this is known as insanity and cannot be forgiven
Prince: she is still known as a human being and should be allowed to be seen as one !

Judge: order ! Order ! The witness is allowed to step down now

Judge: Defense, you may call your next witness.
Defense Attorney: Thank you, your Honor. I call to the stand Logan Paul
Judge: Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the bailiff. (Witness stands)
Bailiff: (to the witness) Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Witness: I do. (Witness goes to the stand and sits down)

Defense: Logan , how did you met violet Jackson ?
Logan: she had an alias and she signed up to be my assistant
Defense: what was her alias ?
Logan: Jaqueline Spencer's
Defense: did violet ever hurt you in any way ?
Logan: no never .. she's the love of my life ..
defense: did you see any unusual or insane behavior in violet ?
Logan: never .. she seem perfectly normal to me
Defense: what's your relationship with violet Jackson ?
Logan: she's my girlfriend , she's pregnant with my child
Defense: woah congrats.. so violet did show normal perfect behavior ?
Logan; yes
Judge: the prosecution may cross-examine this witness

Prosecution: during the hiding of violet , was she involved in any sort of gang affiliation?
Logan: violet was in the black dragons
Prosecution: doing what ?
Logan: ruling them .. it was a tradition among the Jackson family
Prosecution: did she ever do anything illegal when she was involved?
Logan: no never
Judge: this witness may step down

Judge: I call to the stand violet Jackson .
Prosecutor: violet Jackson , why were you on the run for 30 months ? I mean you didn't think that , that would have made you look more suspicious ?
Violet: yes I knew that .. but I wanted to enjoy the last few months of freedom that I had
Prosecutor: so you are admitting to these crimes ?
Violet: yes I do admit that I killed the 2 men who murderer my father I do admit I murdered the man who stabbed my mother , I won't say no to that I am responsible for my own actions .. but are you seriously going to give me the death penalty with all the mental Illness I went through ? Think about that ..

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