the black dragons

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Brett: don't fucking touch her
Spence: relax pretty boy ( laughs ) I'm just here trying to make amends tonight since pretty much some riots are already happing
Violet: what do you want ?
Penny(black angels leader): you pretty ( she laughs )

Violet: I walk off with you , and there's no bloodshed tomorrow , no fighting among this gang my family
Spencer: alright cmon pretty .. we're taking real good care of you ( he winks )

Brett gets ahold of my wrist

Brett: violet don't leave please
Violet: no more bloodshed ..

I walk off with the skulls and the black angels about 20 miles away from the black dragons ..

Violet: I will sacrifice myself to all of you
Penny: that's all we want violet

( I step away to call Logan . It's 6:34 am right now .. )

Logan: baby where are you ?
Violet: I'm so happy to hear your voice
Logan: I am too baby .. where are you ?
Violet: Logan I'm just calling to say I love you more than my own life .. and please don't forget about me
Logan: I love you more baby what's going on ?
Violet: I'll see you soon ..

I hang up .. tears start falling down my face .. I then walk over to the skulls and the black angels and they all surround me in a circle

Violet: 40 to 1 ? Are you seriously that scared of me ?
Spencer: what's gonna be scary is what we are gonna do to your boyfriend when we find him

( I punch him as hard as I can and they all begin to punch me and kick me )

Penny: Oh violet please let you final thought be that your sacrifice was for nothing cmon boys ! Don't finish her off yet I want my slice of meat

( she takes out a knife )

Logan's pov .

I call prince 20 times

Prince: it's 7 in the morning Logan what's going on ?
Logan: is violet with you ? Or do you know where she is ?
Prince: no why what's going on ?
Logan: she called me saying how much she loves me and that don't forget about her
Prince: I think I know where she is I'm going to pick you up get ready

I frantically change into black jeans & a black t shirt and my black adidas .. I run to the living room where I see Brendon and Evan eating breakfast

Brendon: is violet here ?
Logan: no she's missing
Brendon: are you gonna go find her ?
Logan: yes
Evan: we're coming

We go outside and see prince brought a bmw we all get in and he drives as fast as he can to the black dragons warehouse we all burst inside


He screams

David: prince calm down
Prince: how the fuck I'm I suppose to calm down where all of you gave my sister up to the skulls and the black angels yeah don't fucking think I didnt find out
Brett: we didn't give her up they went to go talk and we don't know what's going on we've been waiting since 5
Prince: Brett , David both of you come with me your taking me to where you last had violet with you

( we all get into the car again and drive off to the deepest of the forest )

We all get out and start yelling violets name , prince races into the forest away from us making us stay put

Princes pov .

I run , I run yelling violets name .

Tears streaming down my face

My head throbbing from the pain

Where the hell are you bud !

I then see blood drops on the floor which makes a trail .. I follow it and find violet ...

Oh my god ..

Logan's pov
We wait and still scream out violets name ..

Please baby where are you !

We then hear footsteps coming towards us ..

We then see prince carrying a beaten up violet ..

Her eyes swollen .. bruises all over her arms and face .. blood everywhere on her body .. and her black dragons tattoo cut off

My jaw drops .. and tears start streaming down more ..

We all get into the car and prince drives as fast as he cans to the nearest hospital .. I have violet in my arms , trying to wake her up

Looking at her like this breaks my heart into a million pieces

We arrive at the hospital and they take violet inside

We're forced to wait in the waiting room ..

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