Jungkook's Girlfriend

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Jungkook POV

Today was the day I was going to tell the rest of Bangtan about my girlfriend. It has been a week since we have been dating and now, I think I should tell my members as they are practically my family.

"But what if they don't like me?" Jennie said to me as I flashed her my bunny smile.

"Don't worry, they'll love you. Especially Y/N-ah, I am sure you two will get along quite well." I said in the hopes that what I was saying was true. 

"Okay" She exhaled as I squeezed her hand for reassurance.

We had just entered the apartment complex and had rung the doorbell to the dorm.

"YAH JIMIN GO GET IT!" I heard Jin hyung say.

"WHY ME? WHY DON'T YOU GET IT?" I recognised Jimin hyung's voice and chuckled at their petty arguments. 


Just then I saw Y/N open the door as the two were fighting as her eyes widened.

"Ah hello Kookie hyung. Who may this be?" She said staring at Jennie in confusion.

"I will explain to you all inside." I say so I wouldn't have to repeat the same thing over and over. Boy that is annoying. 

"You better." She said while letting us in and warmly welcoming Jennie with a hug.

"Yah who was that?" I saw Jin say as he saw me enter the dorm.

"Ah Kookie you're back, and I see you have brought along a guest." He raised his eyebrows.

"Ne hyung. I will explain once all of you are in the living room."

"Well luck is on your side as we are all already assembled there." he said causing me to grin.

The four of us headed into the living room where I was greeted by the members with questioning looks as to who Jennie was. 

"So guys, this is Jennie. She is my girlfriend and we have been dating for a week." I said as my members looked at me with smirks.

"AWWW our Kookie is now all grown up!" They fake pretend to wipe a tear causing me to groan in annoyance.


Jungkook's girlfriend seemed nice, but she somehow seemed a little suspicious. First of all she was quite quiet and seemed to cling onto Jungkook a lot. Maybe she was just nervous though. I may have to look into it to see if she isn't some sort of fake person.

*2 Hours Later*

It was already 9 and everyone was asleep. Except for me. I was just resting my eyes and was about to fall into a slumber when I heard shuffling from in front of me. I slowly peeked my eyes to see Jennie attending some phone. I decided to follow her. Yeah I know that is should have given her some privacy, but I just need to be sure that nothing is fishy.

"Yeah I'm at Jungkook's dorm." she said onto the phone.

"Yeah no one is around, they are all sleeping." She said looking around while I hid so she couldn't see me.

"When am I going to do it? Oh okay sound great!" She said as I watched her in suspicion. I the headed out to the living room and pretended to be asleep as she came back. I then closed my eyes and felt a sharp thing pierce my neck and I felt myself loosing consciousness.

*4 Hours Later*

I woke up with a small headache and looked to see myself tied on a chair and saw the rest of the members also tied up without their shirts. My eyes widened as I heard Jennie from outside the room. Just then the members also had started to wake up and started at each other with wide eyes.

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