Chapter 22

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Ellie's pov
I panicked and butted in Brook as Andy could not know what was going on.

"Where's the toast!?". "Please." I added, taking my hand off of the handle and squinting my eyes shut in hopes Andy would buy the lame excuse I came up with in like 2 seconds.

There was a silence for a second, until Brook replied. "Um we don't have any. Sorry." He replied naturally.

"Okay." I said and ten quickly walked off to get an apple and act like that's what I was going to do all along. (Because no bread).

Then not long after I'd been sitting on the sofa scrolling through my phone, Rye came and propped himself next to me.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked, munching on his cereal. I nodded. "You?"

"Pretty good." He said with a mouth full of cornflakes causing me to cringe slightly in disgust.

Boys r just gross sometimes.

"So.....what happened with Charlie." Shit yeah. I forgot all the boys knew we argued but none of them knew why and hell was I telling them.

The thought of Charlie caused me to frown a little. He was my daily source of happiness and my cure from school.

"Sorry um..." he began. "It's fine." I replied bluntly. Honestly not bothered to make anything up as I just didn't want to talk about him full stop.

He shot me a weak smile and then continued to eat his cereal looking pretty tired.

Then Brook strutted in and stopped in his tracks when he saw Rye.

Um okay?... weird.

"Hi." He waved and then continued walking and sat next to Rye.

I smiled awkwardly and Rye could probabaly sense something weird going on between us but I dearly hoped he didn't pick up on it.

"What's up Brook." He said. Brook shrugged. "Not much. You?" He asked. Rye shrugged and continued to eat.

"Social bunch." I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

I could see Brook smile in the corner of my eyes and then his mouth fell flat and into a straight line as I looked at him.

Turning away I continued to eat my apple and then went to get changed.

Then I applied a small amount of makeup and brushed my naturally long and straight hair.

I wore black shorts, fishnets and a long pastel pink hoodie. Then I decided to top it off with some black knee high boots.

No I wasn't going out anywhere, I just decided to get myself done up.

Then Andy and Jack walked out of their rooms arguing with each other over something stupid.

"Hey Ellie. Sleep okay?" Andy said cheerfully, completely ignoring his argument with Jack.

Those two didn't seem the closest.

Shrugging it off I accidentally walked into Brook and Andys room.

I shouldn't have looked but I did.

I may have accidently become a lol noisy and read Brooks diary 😬

It wasn't really a diary but where he wrote songs.

I mean it was flipped open onto the page anyway and yes I know about privacy and stuff but I just couldn't help myself.

Then I found myself singing it to myself on his bed.

'The breaking point'
Blocking the sound out,
But everything just gets too loud.
Too many words just thrown around and they don't got meaning now.

Why can't people just see I wanny Be Who I wannu be.
Why can't people just know I'm feeling fuckin low.

Cuz everything comes at once,
It's like a mental hurricane,
All your words, your "mistakes"
Running through my Brain.
I'm falling from the sky, my worlds been flipped and I can't fly, I'm at my breaking point.

I can't even breath now,
And that's when things come crashing down,
I can't even drown the people out,
Cuz I'm just breaking down,
I'm breaking down.

*pre chorus*



It's like I'm tied to a piece of string,
Push me out then real me in,
You twist your words until I snap,
And that's when I reach my breaking point.
(That's when I reach my breaking point. X 2 / instrumental)


There were scribbles and crossing out all over the page. It was like he had so much to say but couldn't fit it in.

The song did sound kind of beautiful in my head tho ngl I liked the lyrics. But what inspired him to -

"My girlfriend. I wrote that with my ex girlfriend." He stated, closing the door behind him.

"Oh I'm so sorry I um- it was just- on the floor and..."

"It's fine." He smiled, taking the book off of me and reading over the lyrics, smiling a little.

"Jasmin, was her name. We wrote this song together because at the time we had some pretty toxic people in our lives." He sighed, putting the book in his draws.

"Ohhh. I'm sorry." Was all I could think to say. "I liked it."

We sat in silence for a moment until Brook sat up quickly.

"Oh I forgot! Corbyn and Zach asked the two of us to meet them today!" He shot up as if he'd only just remembered.

I danced my feet over the edge of the bed and furrowed my eyebrows. Wait me??

"But why me? And you?" I asked curiously. What about Andy, and Rye, and Jack?

"I actually don't know." He said, seeming slightly confusing but somewhat smirking a little.

"Would Andy let me um, just go? I mean I've been in a GC I haven't spoken in with them for like a week and I only met them yesterday." I asked, a little unsure on what he'd say and if I even wanted to go yet.

I could do with company though I guess. And some more friends.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. your in safe hands." Brook tried to act serious but we both knew he was joking.

"Nah really though." He addd as I walked out.

I turned to look at him and then carried on going to find Andy and my phone.


"Is that them??" Andy pointed to the tall black figures standing outside the door.

Brook nodded and went to open it.

Sorry this chapter sucks sm it's kinda just a filler chapter nothing too important. But how are you guys doing I hope your good? I just finished my exams, happy times XD x 

(Slipped more cheeky lyrics of mine into this ;))

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