Chapter 47 - Edited the end of this chapter

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*5 months later*

Ellie's pov
"When r u gonna take this flippin blind off of me? I'm sweating mind my eyes are sweating like mad." I complained as Charlie's car swerved around the corner.

He'd turned up at my house about 30 minutes ago telling me I was going somewhere but it was a surprise so he wouldn't tell me where.

Why the fuck was I going for a surprise with Charlie? 😂

"Oh my god stop complaint were basically here. Just wait." He laughed, causing me to sigh in annoyance, but then a small giggle escaped my lips.

Finally the car came to a stop and wed seemed to have parked somewhere.

I began to lift the blindfold before Charlie out a hand on top of it, pulling it back down.

"Wait! You can't see yet!" He yelled at me, grabbing my hand and showing me the way.

I rolled my eyes and followed. The air was cool and I could smell pizza......yum.

The sound of birds chirping and waves crashing against the rocks caused me to believe I was by a beach of some sort.

It was bloody scary mind walking around blind. I could never be blind I don't know how those people cope.

I mean I guess they're used to it and they learn brail and that...but yeh.

We walked for like 2 more minutes until I walked through and almost into a door.

I finally slipped down onto some soft sort of object - a leather chair it felt like...and then the blindfold was slowly released from my eyes and Charlie was nowhere in sight.

Looking up, the familiar dreamy green eyes shine my way, and I could tell by that same old perfect teethy smile that Brooklyn had set this up.

"This is cute. Thankyou Brooklyn! You didn't have to do it though." I told him, feeling a little bad that I hadn't really thought about us being together for 10 months already.

Obviously I knew...but like I didn't plan anything. Brook had done stuff with me like every month so far, I mean obviously not a lot...after the boys found out about us we were able to go out properly and stuff.

The restaurant we were at was small and cute and there was candles laid out on the dark oak table.

Leather matts, cutlery and candles were placed around the table. A red rose was centred on the middle a red light was placed under the table, shining onto the floor.

"Eh it was nothing. Apparently Harvey and them were busy and I saw Charlie at the store the other day...bit awkward but the only thing I could think of was to ask him to get you here." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly then I leaned over and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I love it thanks." He passed me a menu and told me a few of the things he'd seen and wanted to try.

I ended up getting a classic Margaretta pizza and he got some posh Italian pasta stuff, which may I add I tried a bit of and it was amazing.

"This pizza is honestly so good. Except the herbs but yeah." I laughed, flicking off the small green immigrants.

"Are you guys recording The Evolution of Justin Bieber next week?" I questioned, he'd told me about this the other day and I honestly really liked Justin Bieber.

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