Chapter 36

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Brooks pov
My head was pounding and the small cut on my nose wall bleeding. Fuck.

Turning around, I could see that the car was not in sight and had obviously sped off.

It happened so fast that driver was way over the speed limit. I remember it literally ramming around the corner to the point I barely even saw it.


Lifting myself up off the road as another car almost hit my body, I ran to the pavement to Ellie's small body. Shit.

I lifted her onto me as I sat down. There was really anyone around.

"Ellie. Ellie we need to get up." I told her, shaking her a little. Her eyes opened and I let out the anxious breath that I'd been holding. Thank god.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He shook her head. "You sure?" I asked again, slightly worried.

Ellie's pov
I nodded. "Yeah I just have like a minnie bruise on my arm." I told him, before looking at his face and sitting up.

"Brook!! Your nose it cut! And your arm and you have bruises. Your lip is bruised too and there's a bit of blood you must have a tiny cut." I exclaimed as he dapped his lip with his finger, looking at the blood on his second finger.

"Oh. Don't worry I'm fine. The guys are gonna come down in a minute what are we gonna do." He panicked.

"Sash." I kissed him. "We're not gonna tell them. We can't they'll go mental at you." I told him. I didn't want Brook to get into shot because I ran across the road.

I stood up and pulled Brook up. "Okay. Just say that I tripped over something. And....fell in a rose bush? I mean that's kind of believable right?" He laughed a little.

"I guess." I nodded. "Are you sure your okay though?" He nodded and hugged me tightly.

"They're coming." I said as Blair's back was in view. We quickly crossed the road and Blair turned to face us.

"What happened to you?" He asked Brook who told him he'd tripped and fallen into some bushes. He told the boys that too and somehow they'd believed him.

I was still a little shaken up because of it. I could of got hit by that car.

But Brook pushed me out of the way and I was very greatful but I couldn't help but feel bad.

It was my fault that he was hurt. It wasn't bad, but it was still something.

"You okay?" Andy asked, looking at me in the van mirror.

"Yeah I'm good." I fake laughed, hoping he couldn't tell I was lying.

The ride home was pretty quiet and me and Brook exchanged looks once in a while.

When we got back we put our luggage away and I lured Brook to the bathroom.

"We need to clean this." I told him, wetting some paper under the tap and dabbing it onto his face.

I cleaned the cuts on his arms and his face. His bruises couldn't really be dealt with. They weren't too bad though.

"Thanks." He smiled at me. I sighed, and he tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm very grateful honestly. So Thankyou. But you shouldn't of done that." I admitted, frowning.

He was more hurt that me. "Well I know you'd do the same for me." He replied smiling.

"Yeah but that's not the point. Now your the one who's hurt and it's my fault. Cuz I'm basically fine." I looked at the floor.

"Hey no!" He put a finger under my chin and looked me in the eyes. "Nope don't say that. It's not your fault it's that stupid driver that was way over the speed limit! And I'm basically fine to just a few cuts it's nothing serious."

"Really?" "Really." He kissed me gently and I could hear faint footsteps before a light knocking.

"What are you guys doing?"

Sorry this is short, again, but I mean more frequent uploads I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ but um yeah, if I don't upload a lot it's cause I'm really ducking stressed and anxious about college. So I guess that's my shitty excuse, can't really think straight.

But yeah ❤️

OMG ALSO I remembered I have 20K reads on this now and I was litro waiting to see if I could and I have and that's really made me happy so Thankyou so much 💖💕

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