Miranda, Please don't leave me...

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Orlando's pov:

"I'm sorry"

Miranda left the house. She just left the house.

I didn't stop her. I didn't. I knew I should stopped her but....

When I realized that Miranda had already left, it was too late, she was gone.

I can't say a thing. It's like my mouth had been zipped. I can't move either. My muscles won't listen to my brain now, it was malfunctioning. I xant feel anything. It was like all my nerves were dead. My heart, it stopped beating too. Nothing can fix all these now, even if she came back.


She's gone now, gone for sure. We will never be together again. Fine if you really wanted to leave, just leave. I dont care about you either, you did that to me, I'll just pay double back.

I knew, even i kept telling myself i wont forgive her, bit in my heart, there was still a place for her. I knew ot, i just cant forget her.

I went back to my room and lied on my bed staring at the ceiling. I can't think anymore. Tears escaped from my eyes. It slipped from the tip of my eyes, my cheeks and then down my face. The cool tears, made my heart colder. I cried. This is the first time that I had ever cry due to a broken heart.

I knew I'm exaggerating the first time but It was difficult for a grown man like me to cry. For me, men won't cry. They believe crying is something only a girl will do. Real man. I'm a man, so please, stop crying.

What I needed now is someone who actually care for me, pamper me, comfort me and the one that I needed right now turned out to be Miranda. I needed her so much right now.

So much.

I kept on thinking the same thing. Why did she left me? Am I not that good enough for her? What had I done?

I knew, I seldom help her with the chores, but that doesn't really matter, she won't just broke up with me because I didn't do the chores, but why, am I a fail husband to her, I didn't care for her? Am i not a perfect husband to her? Am i?

I fell asleep eventually but the sweet memories between Miranda and I kept playing in my mind just like an old film that had been replayed for a hundred times. It had always be in my mind. I cant forget every moment I'm with her.


It was a hot sunny day. Miranda and I were now at a beach nearby our house. I was carrying Miranda with my both hands. Rushing to the sea to threw her into it.

I can feel her skin, her smooth and delicate skin that made me want to touch every inch of it right now.

Every inch of it.

Of course, I would have do it if it's not we're at the beach. In public.

"Orlando, put me down now." Miranda demanded me. But I don't care, I'm going to throw her into the sea, and I wanted to do that now. I love the way she was wet. Her hair was wet and the way she flipped it.

"Hey, put me down now or else..." She pleaded.

"Or else what? " I said teasingly. I know that she can't do anything right now cause I'm carrying her tightly. She was in my hold firmly, I won't let her had any chances to run away from me.

"Erm...." Then, she kissed me. My hand loosed at the moment she kissed me. She jumped off me and started to run away. Fail. I said to myself. Really, just a kiss?

When I realized that she was actually escaping from me, it was too late, did I mentioned that she'a actually a fast runner? Now, she was miles away from me and I can barely saw her back.

"Hey, stop there at once Miranda Kerr or else I'll ripped your swimsuit off when I caught you! Hey, don't make me to!"I shouted.

While I was chasing her, I suddenly ran into a forest, the trees there were high. There were fog around the forest. I can hardly see a thing.

Out of the blue, I saw Miranda appeared behind at one of the trees. Then she disappeared. But how? Did she knew any apparition just like in Harry Potter? Right in front of me.

I tried to find her but I failed. The forest was damn big. The trees were so tall, I shouted her name but there was till no sign of her. There was no way that I can find her in that forest.

I kept on calling out her name again hope that she will heard that and answered me. How could she just left.me like that. I was scared, scared that she will leave me.

Suddenly, I felled into a dark hole when I stepped onto a ground that I didn't realized earlier which is covered with dried leaves. The hole was so deep and dark inside. I had been o. There for few seconds but I still didn't reach the bottom.

"Arrrgggghhhhhhhhh!" I yelled, frightened and afraid od what is going to happen.

I cant lose Miranda, she's too important to me.


The moment I opened my eyes I found that I was lying on my bed.

Was it a dream? Was it?

Yes. It was just a dream, a dream that wasn't true either. Miranda wont leave me and i wont leave her too. I won't. I had taken our vow seriously for all these year, i won't left her no matter sick or poor.

I tried to reach for Miranda to tell her about the dream, but when my hand stretched out for her, I found that it was just me on the bed.

Where was she? Then, i remembered what had just happened this morning. She left us.

Miranda was gone. Forever. She left us, the dream was true, she was gone. She really left me. I still can't believe it.

Please Miranda, Don't leave me please, why why why? Why do you choose to leave me? Am i not good for you? I'll try to he a better husband, please, let me fix all these.

There is no point for living for me now, I had nothing now, the pain in my heart now is something that I can't explained. A heart that'd broke for a million times can't even compared to the pain in my heart. Miranda, please, dont leave me. We needed you. I needed you.



Second chapter is up!

How do you think?

Haiz, my heart had already shattered into a million pieces... :-(

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Love you guys.


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