Christmas preparation.

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Kay's pov:

I put on a coat, skinny jeans, and my uggs before going out. Today, I'm going shopping with Orlando and Flynn at the mall. I repeat, three of us are going out.

One week till Christmas.

Everyone must be there. Busy with their Christmas preparation. You know, we love last minute work.

So I decided to wear something simple. As their will be hundreds or even thousands of people there. Crowded. Hate that feeling.

"Hey," I got on the car. Flynn was there too. He sat at the backseat on his babyseater. He's so cute!!! His cute little chipmunk's cheeks.

"Hey, ready to go?"


"Let's go." Then we were on the way to the mall.

The car was playing some Christmas carol. The Christmas atmosphere had started two week ago. Everywhere I went, there will be Christmas song or the place will be decorated with Christmas stuff.

Twenty minutes later, we're finally there. It was weekend, the mall was full with people. We had used twenty minutes time just to find a space to park our car, so imagine how many people were there.

"Right, shall we go to the centre court to take a view of the Christmas Tree? I heard that it was the largest Christmas Tree in the country." He was carrying Flynn.

"Well okay. Let's go."

"Wow, it was really big." You can't denied that the tree was huge, it was like twenty foot? Maybe. I can tell you it's taller than thirty full grown adult.

The tree was well decorated. There were led lights, of course it didn't light up because it was still daytime now, but imagine when the lights were on....Amazing.

"Dada, Flynn loves it."

"Looks Like Flynn loves it very much. How about I'll help you two to take a photo of the tree?"


"Flynn look here. Say cheese." I took out my phone to help them to take photo.


"Kachak." I held out an Ok to tell them the photo was already taken.

"How was it, let me take look."

"It was great."

After taking a few more photos from different angle of the tree, we started our shopping. We walked with Flynn holding both of our hands. We looked like a family.

Sometimes, people that recognized Orlando will give us a weird look. Oh no, they must be thinking who am I.

"Well, what do you want for Christmas Kay?"

"You're giving me Christmas present? Well, I was thinking that if you can buy me a make up set."

"Well, ladies huh. "

"Yep, you owed me twenty years of Christmas gift. And I think that will be twenty. No, twenty one boxes of it. Plus this year's."

"Wow, you sure you can used all up?"

"Well of course don't underestimated me."

"Huh huh, twenty one boxes huh."

I bursted into laughter. "Well, gotcha. Nevermind. One set will do. What do you want for Christmas, My dear little Flynn?." I squat down so Flynn can hear me.

"Well, are you ignoring me Kaylene Woodley? You should asked me what I want for Christmas, not Flynn." Orlando has his hands crossed. He looked jealous.

"Someone just ate lemon huh, I can feel the sourness in it."

"Fine, I was thinking that I should buy that make up set for Jessica not you."

"Wow, your new target huh. You can always asked me to help you to get her. She's interested in you too."

"Wow wow, I think that you're the one who envied about it."

" Am not."

"Yes you are."

"Fine you win." Duh, he always win.

"Come on let's go, which brand of make up set do you want?"

"Erm...i was thinking of....Chanel."

"Wow, you likes Chanel more huh."

"Yup, it's my favourite brand. I have a huge variety of its collection, from head to toe."

"Well which channel to go, Chanel girl?"

"Okay, Channel 6 I think. Let's go." Then we headed to the sixth floor.

That's how we spend our day shopping in the mall. It was the best day that I had with Orlando in my life. We're just like before, got into some argument, but I always let him win. He's good at teasing me.

After a long day of shopping, we had bought some stuff to decorate Orlando's Christmas tree, presents for our friend and a very special gift just for Orlando.

Then we went back to help Orlando with the tree. With some help from our little helper, Flynn,we're done decorating the tree in an hour time.

The tree was nice. But not nicer than the tree we saw at the mall earlier, but we can feel the Christmas spirit through it.

We decorated it by our bare hands, we have put much effort to decorate it. The time we decorate tree, is the best moment I had in my life. Just like before.


"Hey, are you done yet?" I asked as Orlando was trying to give our Christmas tree a final touch up. He had been up there for ten minutes and he wasn't done yet.

"Please, I'm trying to concentrate here, the star wasn't at it place."

"Well, let me see. You, lack of sense of art."

"Hey hey, what did you just said, I score more than three marks in the last exam than yours."

"Alright, it's girls job, just let me do it."

"Well fine, you win." He got down the stairs and passed the star to me. I got on the stairs and tried to put the star on it place.

"Hey, faster, you clumsy." He kept shaking the ladder.

"Who's the clumsy one?"

"Oh you," I can't stable myself, the next second I fell, I'm on top of Orlando, he caught me.

"Hello, clumsy." said him while trying to get me up.

We'll, like he said, I'm clumsy, the next moment I fell again. This time I'm on top of him too, but face to face.

"You're so beautiful, you're always my angel."

End of flashback.



Another boring author note,

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