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Kay's pov:

New year was over and I had to give Orlando my answer now. Not now but ASAP. But wait....What answer? Yes, the trip's. And how was it progressing? Don't ask me.....well....

Yes, I'm still deciding. Thinking......oh please just leave me alone, I need to think. I needed space! My brain is going to burst, and blood will splattered everywhere. Don't say that I didn't warned you to leave me to evidence this scene.

(Of course I'm just

Yes or no, such simple answer but I still can't decide. Well, now the problem is.....What's the problem? The problem is me....

Should I go?

Actually I really wanted to go, but....with Orlando. That's the problem.

I can't just go with him. It's not right. I don't know why, but something in my mind tell me to go. more have to decide it now, Kaylene Woodley. If you don't, you'll missed this chance.

I called him. Oh....why did I called him? I haven't decided yet. Oh how? Should I go? Should I? Or should I just end the call?

"Du....du...." Few seconds later, he picked up the call. Oh no.....

"Hey...." I started.

"Hi, Kay. It's that you?" Orlando asked on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah." I replied, still deciding. Every second it past, just made me want to throw my phone away. I didn't have answers!!! Then what should I tell him?!

"Well, anything?"

"Well......I just want to..." Want what?! Just tell him the reason you're calling him....

"Yeah? Is that about the trip?" Oh...he knew.


"Are you going?" He asked on the other side of the phone. Oh no? What's my answer? Should I just tell him that I'm not free? But I really wanted to go somehow.

Yes or no?



(Readers.....yes...or no?...... What's the most likely answer you wanted?!)

"Well.....yes." I said quickly. Even I didn't knew what was I talking about.

"Huh?" He asked. He must can't hear me.

"I'm telling you that I'm going."

"You're going?" He asked again to make sure that I had said yes.


"Well, I will call you later to inform you the details of the trip." He sounded excited.



Damn. I just answered yes. Very good, well done Kaylene Woodley.

Oh what now? Well, I really want to go seemed not right that just three of us were going.

How? Should I go?

"Ding Dong." The door bell rang. Who was it? Nobody said that they are coming to visit me.

"Hey, Kay." said Jessica who was standing in front of the doorstep.

"Hey...come in."


"Have a seat please."

"Thanks." She said. Her eyes were swollen and red she looked like she didn't sleep well yesterday as black circles started to form around her eyes.

"What happened to you? You looked weary, is that something happened to you my dear? Your eyes are swollen, did you cry?"

"Nothing...I didn't sleep well last night. I have some problem lately....well, I just want to ask you how does it feel to be in love with someone..."

"Huh...?" She's in love with someone? That's a great news, no I mean...who's that lucky guy?

"I'm in love with someone." She repeated, this time more louder to make sure that I can heard her.

"Oh, wow. Who's that lucky guy? I want to know."

"Nothing...just....well, I kinda like..."

"Who is it? Just tell me. I thought you said that I'm the best friend that you ever had? Tell me....." I asked, really wanted to know.

" It is....Orlando."

"Huh?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah...seriously, you like him?" I asked, trying to make sure that I didn't heard her wrong. I felt glad for her at first but now...She's telling me that she's in love with Orlando?

Why it had to be Orlando, can't she picked someone else...i can't accept the truth that other else like him too. I was jealous...maybe both of them will be together, but I really like Orlando.

"Yes, he's different from the guys that I knew."

"Oh really?" Different, right he's different. He's special.

"Can you help me? Kay please." She said with her puppy look. I can't resist, her eyes were really pretty.

"Huh, how?"

"I knew you knew him well as both of you were ex, so I want you to help me to ask him out..."

She looked serious. She looked like she really needed my help. I wanted to help her...but the problem is Orlando...something told me not to help her but she's the only one I had here.

"Well, actually, Orlando and I will be going on a trip to Bali, maybe you can come too, in secret so he won't know, and then, maybe I can help you guys."



"Thanks Kay, you're the best friend that I ever had. I love you." She planted a small kiss on my cheek. just told her everything about the trip? What had you done again Kaylene Woodley?



Author's note:

Dummy.....why did you told her everything?!



Stay tuned.


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