Our "first" dinner

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Orlando's pov:

''Hey, Kay...long time no see..how are you?" I speak awkwardly, don't know where to put my hands. Both of them were sweating.

"Oh...hi Orlando..Ya, it's been twenty- six years since you left me. I'm fine. Just being transferred by my boss from Australia to here." Kay seems to be a bit nervous when he's talking to me. 

Ya, maybe it is normal because we hadn't met for twenty years.

The atmosphere seems to be a bit quiet for a second and then I try to break the ice between us.

"Erm...oh, I'm here to ask you whether you want to join me and Flynn for dinner? Er...no forcing...hehe, just want to welcome my new neighbour." all I can do is grin.

"Oh...Ya sure...how about half past Six? I'll met you at the Italian restaurant down the street? I heard that the food there were nice."

" Oh...sure. The food there was really nice. I think you will like it. See you there. Bye" I replied. Then I headed back to my home.


6.00 p.m.

Kay's pov:

Oh no.... i just have only thirty minutes before my dinner with Orlando and I don't know what to wear!!! I can't just simply wear t-shirt and pants. It's my first dinner since he left me.

I decided to wear the purple dress with lace sleeves that my best friend, Kate brought me for my birthday last year. Then I simply put on some light make-up and I'm ready for the dinner which I was looking forward.

My first dinner with Orlando since I left Kent for the past twenty years. What will we talk about?

When I reach the restaurant, I saw Orlando and Flynn was already there. Orlando must have looked forward on this dinner. He had do his hair. As I know, he likes to keep his hair messy. But still, I like the way his hair was messy.

"Oh, Kay...here!!" Orlando waved at me when he saw me at the entrance.

Oh no...everybody must been watching...I couldn't think of it anymore. After all he's a star...how would everybody think of me?

They'll thought I'm the one who make Orlando broke up with Miranda...no no no we just met today. Well, maybe everyone had know that the real reason they broke up as it was on the news.

I quickly walk to the table they were sitting.

"Oh, hi Orlando and little Flynn!!" I greeted them. Then I quickly whispered to Orlando so that just only him can hear it.

" You shouldn't be so loud, everybody will heard you..."

"Oh that's nothing. Problem? After all its just a dinner." Oh...it's was such an awkward moment. I don't know how Orlando will think of me. I think too much. After all it's just a dinner.

Luckily the waiter came just in time. " Sir, miss, what can I get for you?" he passed us the menu.

" I would like to have the beef lasagne and a meatball pasta for Flynn. What do you like to have Kay?" asked Orlando.

"Caesar salad will do. Thanks." I passed the menu back to the waiter.

" I thought you like pizza. Remember everytime we visited the pizza store near our town? You always ordered their homemade recipe pizzas. " he asked.

Oh he still remember!!!

"I do like pizza but none pizza taste better than their homemade pizza. I heard my mother say the owner kinda retired...i really miss their pizzas."

We talk about some fun things happened during our school time. He remembered every single moment.

He didn't say anything when we were together. Well maybe it's awkward to say that as both of us now is just friend. Or maybe....Neighbour.

Then when we finish our dessert, we found out that it was already ten. We both greeted each other good bye and head back to our house.



Phew, finally finished this chapter!!

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What's your favourite Italian dish?

One who love lasagne,


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