You lie to me, Orlando Bloom? What a bastard you are!

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Kay's pov:


Finally, it was time. After a long tiring day at work, we're finally off.

"Kay, dinner now right? Let's go!"

"Okay, just a few more seconds." I said making sure that my hair were just in order.

"Hey, Kay you said a few seconds." Jessica said while ticking on her watch.

"Okay, okay, I'm here." I replied.

"Okay, you're beautiful enough." She said teasingly as she saw me combing my hair.

"Women." I said.

"Yeah, women, if I'm a man I'll sure love you!"

"Yeah? Hahaha."

Then, we left for the Italian restaurant that Orlando and I had dinner yesterday.


"Hi miss, a place for two? " The waiter said as we both stepped into the restaurant.

We both nodded and he lead us to the place that Orlando and I sat yesterday. Not again I said inside. Sitting in the same big deal.

"What do you two like to have?" The waiter asked after settled us down and passed the menu to us.

"Erm, Kay what do you like to have?" Jessica that sit in front of me asked while looking at the menu, searching for something.

"I'm not sure, maybe a lasagne?" I said as I really want to try what Orlando had for yesterday and it looked delicious.

"Well, okay, i'm good with lasagne. So, i think two lasagne. But do you have baked pasta here? " Kessica asked.

"No, we just have pasta."

"Oh well, then two lasagne then." Jessica said while both of us passed the menu back to the waiter.

"Well, two lasagne then. Any drinks you would like to have?"

"Orange juice." I said.

"Same here."

"You seemed to have same taste with me, we ordered the same thing," Jessica said after the waiter left with our order. I didn't noticed that.

"Oh Ya, butbi was.thinking of having baked pasta, its my favourite, but lasagne's fine too."

"Well, i dont really like that. Bit the lasagne here not bad too. You should have a try."

"Alright, sometimes, flavour can change too."


Then, the waiter came with our drinks.

"Two orange juices ma'am."

I turned around to take a look of the restaurant while sipping on my orange juice. Just then, I can't believe what I had saw at the corner of the restaurant.

Orlando, he was there sitting with Flynn beside him. They seemed like enjoying pizzas.

He lied to me! I repeated, He lied to me. He was there sitting with Flynn enjoying his dinner, and Flynn was sitting beside him. He's not sending Flynn to Miranda's.

Why would he? Is it having a dinner with me too difficult for him? What a bastard you are. Liar. Do you know that i had people trying to lie to ke or aviod me.

"Criang," a loud noise bring me back to earth.

Then, I feel something wet on my dress. Oh no, I was too furious that I had accidentally spilled my juice and the glass was shattered into pieces.

The noise was too loud and made everyone in tje restaurant turned to our side, Orlando turned around too and he saw me. He saw me.

"Kay, are you okay, my dear? You just spilled your juice are you hurt ?"

"Now I'm okay, I think that I'm tired now and I should go back." I ran to the door.

"Wait," Jessica said as she paid for our meals and chase after me.

When I came to the end of the street, I stopped.

"Kay, please, stop. What had happened? " Jessica walked towards me.

"Nothing, I'm tired, I just want to go home."

"No, I saw you left when you saw Orlando Bloom.  Was there anything that had happened between you two? You knew him?"

"You know him?" I was shocked that she knew him and she realised that what had happened in the restaurant.

"Yup, he's the famous Hollywood actor. I should knew him. Just tell me, was there anything had happened?"

"Well, you see, this morning I had asked him out for a dinner and he rejected me as he told me that he had to bring his son to his ex-wife's. But he's sitting there enjoying his pizza."

"Okay, but how do you know each other?"

"We were like ex at our highschool till...he left me....." I told Jessica all the details between us.

"Well, maybe he just trying to avoid you on what he had done to you. Anyway, it's just a dinner. Now, you have me. You can ask me out on a dinner everyday."

I cried. Tears were dripping. Jessica lend her shoulder to let me cry on. She was such a good lady.

Ya, Jessica's right. It's just a dinner, no big deal.



Oh no, Orlando, you're dead.

Don't kill me for that.



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