A trip to Bali, a honeymoon paradise.

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Orlando's pov:

I had packed all my things for the trip few days ago. I was so looking forward on this trip. This time, it's just the two of us were going as Miranda had bring Flynn to Australia. I haven't told Kay about this as I wanted to give her a..... Maybe I can say...suprise?

The cab will be here in half an hour time and I'm all ready, so I decided to call Kay to check her up.


"Hey, Kaylene Woodley speaking who is it?"

"Oh Kay, it's me, Orlando, I just want to check on you."

"Oh....Hey, well I'm ready, I have all my things packed. When will the cab be here?"

"Half an hour time."

"Alright, see you then. "


Oh it feels so good to hear from her. Looked like she was excited too. Okay, I'm excited too. I admitted it.

Half an hour later.

"Honk...honk..." the cab was here. It was finally here. It was finally here! Oh, I need to inform Kay!

Okay....now what to-do?!! Okay, inform Kay! Oh my god, I can't think properly anymore. Why does she always did this to me?

I walked out from the house with my luggage and walked to Kay's house. Every step I take, I feel like I'm near to her. Of course, you're walking to her direction, wake up man. Not that distance, the distance between us....what distance were you talking about Orlando? That distance! What? That distance you can't measure! Oh no, you're freaking me out.

The moment some "disagreement" happened inside my head, I was already standing in front of Kay's house, I never knew it was so close to mine. She just live next to you man, so how do you expect it to be? 100 miles?!

"Ding Dong...." I rang the bell. The next second, the door was opened.

"Hey there, all packed up?" I asked, don't know what to ask. I knew it's a stupid question but gods knew the words just came out from my throat.

"Yeah, I thought I just told you over the phone just now ?" She said teasingly.

"Well....okay, I'm just excited." I said while rubbing the back of my head, messing up my hair.

"Me too! I always wanted to go there!"

"Alright...calm down, the cab is here, let's go. "

"Oh really? Let's go...oh wait..i forgot my luggage."

"You're so forgetful like always."

"What do you mean like always? I had changed much you know? I wasn't the Kaylene Woodley you knew twenty years ago."

" Okay bossy Kay...come on let me help you with the luggage. You should gain more weight, you looked like you can't even carry your handbag."

" What are you saying?! "

" What?! I didn't said you have to lose some weight, I said gain weight?!"

" I didn't mean that, you say i can't even carry my handbag then help me."

"What?! I didn't offer to help you! "

"I dont care, a deal is a deal!"

"I didn't even knew that wee had make such an agreement."

" Shut up and help me to carry it or else I'll asked you to help me to carry my bag for the whole trip."

"Wow, you had changed much, I had underestimated you."

" Of course, cone on let's go, or else the cab driver will be furious waiting for us, we had used much time in this nonsense..."

" Yeah you're right, baby."

"What baby? I'm a thirty over charismatic gentleman."

"Alright, gentle man let's go."

Then we went to the direction of the cab. Like we said, the driver was leaning against his cab and he looked angry, he must had seen all of that, I think he had been waiting for us there for twenty minutes. He helpedd us with our luggage and we were off to the airport.

"Hey where's Flynn?"

Oh...here's come the suprise!!!!

" Alright...suprise?! Miranda had brought him to Australia, so he won't be joining us so that mean it just two of us who are going."

"Okay...what a surprise. I see..." She looked... i don't know how to say but she kinda looked happy and...well..to me I can barely saw a smile formed at the side of her lips.

Maybe she thought that without Flynn the trip will more.....interesting? Fun? Exciting? Well.....that's what you were thinking, not her. You must had.seen wrong, maybe she just trying to say something. Right? Right.

The journey to the airport was long. It took a one hour drive for our place to the airport. On the way, we listened to the music over the radio and having some conversation on researchs we had done for the trip.

We shared our information between the two of us, we laughed much, but the driver seemed unhappy with it. I don't know.....maybe he was angry because we kept him waiting for so long. Its not our business right? I shouldn't care so much.

Finally, we arrived at the airport. We paid the cab driver and thanked Jim, he finally smile when I handed him the cab pay, he was such a realistic man. Maybe, he wasn't angry at all, he just don't love to smile.

"We should checked in first."

"Right. Let's go." Then both of us headed to the check in counter to check on our luggage and wait at the waiting area before it's time.


Author's note :

Teaser: Bali trip started. What will happened at the honeymoon paradise?! But will everything happen just like what Orlando expected it to be? Just keep reading!

Well.....so how do you guys think of my story? I was so happy when I found out that my story had reached 200 votes! Thanks for all the support. At first, I just thought that no one will read this but when someone first voted it, I was so touched. Hope you can continue to like it! I knew that my writing wasn't that good....


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