Lets get started!

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Kay's pov:

We arrived at the airport after a long flight. The weather here was different from where we come from, it's winter there but here, the sun is hot.

The heat made me feel like in on my bed hugging my big teddy. Of course I didn't hug plush toy when I was sleeping. I'm just too old for that...but....okay...i admitted...i love plush toys, they so good to hug!

We finally arrived at Bali, the honeymoon paradise. It was an island located in Indonesia, one of the Southeast Asia country. The weather here is tropical, so it mean they had sun all the year.

They don't have four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter like we had. HERE, they just has summer. It was one of the favourite place for sun bathing lover like me because they had many beautiful beaches.

From the information on the net, the people here at Bali mostly were Hindu, and the widely language use here was Bahasa Indonesia but most of them can speak English too.

This place is wonderfully amazing. That's what I can said for now, it was so different from Australia, England..the people here were friendly as the staff keep helping us by showing us the way out. Some of them even offered to help us with out luggage. They always had a smile on their face.

This place will definitely be the best place that I had ever visited. But what I was looking forward is the beaches.

I heard they called here the honeymoon paradise. Lots of new married couple came here. Oh, sun bathing under the hot sun, it must be a great treat for me. After this trip, no one will recognised me. Hot and sexy tanned Kaylene Woodley or maybe sun burned.

"Hey, you're ready?" asked Orlando.

"Yup, always ready." I replied.

"Let's get started!"

"Yes, let's get started."

Bali, here we come!

We hired a cab and sent us to the hotel that we were staying. We weren't worry because most of the cabs owner here can speak fluent English.

"Good day, sir and madam. Here for a honeymoon trip? " greeted the driver. While opening the door if the cab to let us in. They were so gentleman.

"Well...hello. No, just trip." replied me. Why do they thought that every one came here for honeymoon, that's ridiculous, can't friends just come here for holidays?!

"Don't be shy, Bali is well known as honeymoon paradise." Urghhhhh...again....

"Well I see...."

"Okay, where are you going?"

"Majestic Holiday Resort." replied Orlando.

The resort must be nice, from the name. I hope I can get a room with nice sea view.

After a long drive from the airport to the resort we were staying, we finally arrived. Thanks to the busy road, or else we would be here thirty minutes ago.

"Well, lovebirds, we're here." said the driver.

"Well, thanks, sir." I said while handling him the fees.

"Have a nice day."

Then we get off the cab, Omg, the resort, it was beautifully amazing. The lobby is so magnificent, they used mahogany as the poles to support the whole building structure. Then, the waiting area makes us feel like home and they even had welcome drinks.

"I'll go check in."said Orlando.

"Okay, I'll be there waiting for you." replied me while pointing at the waiting area. Then Orlando went to receptionist to check in while I kept on admire the magnificent lobby. This is probably the best lobby that I had ever seen.

I took a seat at the waiting area and took out my phone starting to take photos of the lobby.

Then, I looked at the reception area, Orlando was there seemed having an argument with one of the staff there so I walked to their direction.

"Hey, anything wrong here?" I said while patting Orlando's back trying to cool him down.

"They must be mistaken, I had booked two rooms while now they told me that I had only booked one and they were telling me that the room is fully booked so I can't get any room for you."

Wow, that's the problem....

"I'm very sorry but the information here said that you just booked one room under your name Orlando Bloom." the staff said while showing the booking information.

"Oh...there must be some technical mistakes...." I said trying to cool down the whole situation.

"Now how, one of us had to stay at another hotel but the nearest hotel is miles away."

"Well....i have a better solution." said me.


Author's note:

Oh Ya, finally they arrived at Bali.

Well......yeah?! What's the solution?! I think most of you can guessed it correctly. You can try to comment it down....well....maybe your solution was better than mine.

This chapter is just a brief description on Bali, if you're interested, you can surf the net to find more information.

Well, it's a great place to go, if you like beach....There's a volcano there too, it's still active. If you're lucky...there's actually lots of active volcanoes in Indonesia. I've been to there before a long time ago, but I can't remember most of it, but still, its a great place, you guys must go if you have time. (I just suggest.)

Actually, I like to talk a lot, so I wrote quite much for my Author's note.

Well...the reason I chose Bali is because, I've been to this place before and I thought that this place was amazing. The scenery, view....just wow.

I love travelling a lot, I've been to few country before and I hope that one day I can travel around the world, so what I need to do now is study hard! ;-)

What I love is the culture there, every place is just like a different world to me. Do you like travelling too? WHERE had you been to before, share with us.

Anyway, THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT GUYS, I LOVE YOU ALL! Can you feel my heart that beats because of and just only for you?


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