Keep Moving Forward.

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Orlando's pov:

Finally. After three days lying in the hospital, I can leave the hospital now.

Imagine lying in the hospital for three days. Yup, lying. Amanda didnt let me to leave my bed.

She had asked for a nurse to take care of me for 24 hours intensively so i won't have any chance to leave my bed.

All I could do is read some magazine Miranda brought for me and play with my phone. It was real boring you know, because I'm quite the sporty type, I loved outdoors. I nearly got mad.

After I had packed my bag, and made sure that there weren't anything left behind, I walked towards the door to get out from this room of torture.

I had dreamed about this for seventy two hours and finally, my dream come true. Just then, the door flung opened. It hit my nose. Such a bad luck.

"Ouch! Hey, watch it, you hurted someone here. It do really hurts you know, I know, you still think.lying on the bed for three whole days wasn't enough for me but that doesn't meant you can hurt me just to let me stay here for longer time."

"I'm sorry, Orlando, are you okay? I don't meant too, I'm sorry, but I'm not the one who made you lied on the bed for three days."

It was Miranda, she's here to pick me up. We had sort out all the things yesterday. The media social had knew what had happened to us, and they are on the news today.

It's nothing now, I won't be such a coward now, I'm a man, I won't cry so easily, I won't suicide so easily. But now, I will stay strong to the end of the world. I'm a real man. I'm superman.

I don't care about Miranda now, she just someone who don't know how to appreciate such a good man like me. And one day, someone will know how to love more than anything.

Someone will know.

And when that day comes, I will do my best, I'll not let history had any chance to replay this anymore. I'll hold her hand tightly and never let them go.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't meant to be so rude, I thought it was Amanda."

"Hi, it's okay, well you also can't be so rude to her, after all she's a girl."

"A girl? I never saw her as a girl, she's the one who made me lied on my bed for three whole days! Imagine yourself lying on the bed for three days."

"Cool down, it's for your own good. You need to rest, if not how are you going to take care Flynn? He needs you. Plus, Amanda doesn't did anything wrong."

She's right, Flynn needs me, just like what Amanda said.

"Okay, okay, Oh! I can't wait to see my baby Flynn. But why you're here?"

"Oh...well seems that you didn't brought your car here, so I'll be sending you home." said Miranda.

"Okay. Quick, I can't wait to see him." I said walking out from the room with Miranda. Now, we're just friends to each other no more lover. But, that doesn't mean we still didn't care for each other, we still love each other, as family.

"Okay. Let's go, I have to pick Flynn at the kids playing area as I had left him there with Amanda to play with the kids there. He was really enjoying it. He makes many new friends there."

"Really? I can't wait to see my dear Flynn. Oh, it's been a long time. I missed him so so so so much! " I was so immersed in the moment of soon meeting my baby Flynn.

"Hey, are you going with me? I thought you miss him?" Miranda's voice brought me back to earth.

"Alright, coming." I chased after Miranda, I missed my baby so much.

After going down two floors, we came to the kids ward. Then, Miranda led me to the kids playing area as I don't know where it was.

Then, we came to a room equipped with a children's playground, toys, and a drawing area for the kids there. The environment was bright, sunny and cheerful unlike my ward's.

Oh, I hope I could just become a three years old kid who don't have so much worries. Sometimes I'm was so envied of Flynn.

I saw Flynn playing with some of his new friends at the small playground. All of them seemed playing happily. Flynn was even socializing with a few kids there, he was so good at it. Just like me, I said inside, proud of my son.

All of sudden, he noticed me. He pointed me, maybe he was introducing me to his friends, he must be proud of me, just like I'm proud of him. He ran towards my direction.

"Dada," he cried out as it had been two days since he last saw me.

"Hey there baby. How you're doing? Met some new friends ha?" I carried him so I can get a close look of him. Of course I didnt forgot to give my baby a kiss.

"Yeah Dada, Flynn wants Dada. Flynn loves Dada." He hugged me tightly. Oh, he's such a cutie.

"Okay okay, Dada is here." I looked into his eyes, all I could see now is how much he meant to me. He meant the world to me now. I have to live so I can protect him. No more Miranda's gray eyes.

Flynn, you meant the world to me now. You're the reason I chose to stay alive. I love you more than anyone I know now. Without you, I can't live anymore. Don't leave me, just stay with me. I really love you. I will take care of you, I'll give you all of me even I don't need too.

"Well hello there." the voice that had untied the knot in my heart came out from my back.

"Hello." I said while turning back to face her.

"Looks like you are a bit different now. "said Amanda hands in her pocket, strutting in an elegant poise. It's that a sign of victory for letting me lied on my bed for three days? Oh no, I'm not going to let it go.

"Of course. Thanks to you. Well, I owed you something. I guess maybe a dinner?"

If it wasn't her, I won't be standing here right now, I owed her so much. I really need a friend like her, so I wont done so much foolish things.

"Well, okay. But it depends when I'm free. You know, I'm quite a busy person." Oh, busy making sure her patient did who she wanted.

"Okay, I'm busy too you know? Bye miss bossy."

"You too, take care, Hollywood actor, the famous Orlando Bloom. Don't forget about me."

"Yeah, yeah, why would I, Miss bossy, you're the one who made me lied on my bed for three days, I owed you."

"Oh, remember, I need pay back."

"Of course, why would I?" i would never forget it, even if your burned to Ashes, I still can recognise you and repay you.

"Of course you wouldn't."

"Haizz...i just can't stand you two all grown up adults, playing in the public." said Miranda folding her hands.

"Oh you're wrong, we're not playing, we just trying to show that we care for each other."

"Yeah, you're wrong."Amanda agreed with me.

"Oh yeah....I'm wrong."Miranda left, I bet she was trying to hide her laughter so she left. Then, I left with Miranda and Flynn, heading to the parking lot.

Everything is fine now, Keep Moving Forward.

Orlando Bloom, you're right that's what you should do now, keep moving forward, Flynn needs you, and the whole world couldn't afford to lose a good actor like you.



Well, finally. Orlando had wake up.

Keep moving forward it's kind like a motto for me whenever  I was down.

Just remember no matter what things had happened, just keep moving forward.

Your motivator,


Ps: Suprise at the coming chapter.

Nothing's gonna change my love for you~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu