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Author's note:

Plot twist and I'll post the last three chapter together. So I guess, this is the last update. Thanks to you who stick to the very end with my story.

(sounds familiar? Yes, potterhead! Correct!)

Kay's pov:

Today is the first official date of me and Orlando after we broke up twenty years ago. Yeah, the beach's doesn't count, it wasn't a nice and perfect date. Hope this time will be like what I had planned.

Sitting at the park, watching the blue sky. Feel the soft green grass, listen to birds chirping, kids playing. Enjoyimg the whole day with my beloved besides me.

Okay, no more hiding, I admitted, I'm excited. I knew, only young girls will be excited, but...why a thirty years old lady be excited on their first date? It's unfair, isn't it? We still have feelings too, right?

Hey, can you guys give me some respond please? I'm fighting for your right! Support me. Okay, just ignore me, I just wanted to make me feel not so old. I'm only thirty plus how old is that? Not too old for an seventy years old lady huh?

I went to the wardrobe to pick on something to wear for my first date. I chose a cream colour dress and out on some light make up. I looked fresh and young. I always do.

Duh....stop with all those self compliments. I hate to hear all that. What? It's you. Okay, we should have some self confidence right? Respect yourself, love yourself first before someone.

I heard that girls in love will look few more years younger than her look, is it true? Of course I'm a prove. I looked like twenty two now! I feel more lively now. I could dance for a few hours non break. The only problem is I dont know how to dance.

So if you dont know how to dance, just shut your mouth up, I don't want to hear anything from you now, Kaylene Woodley.

Then, I curled my hair to form a nice wavy curve, tied it into a ponytail and put on a pair of leather boots. I was ready now. I looked so perfect.

"I looked so perfect standing there, in my American apparel underwear."

Okay, I won't tell you what underwear I'm wearing....purple...Damn, I guess I just told you right? Okay, I didn't just wear an underwear, I still got clothes on. Heu, its private, how could you just tell them.

"Ding dong....."The door bell rang. Orlando was here, but this time, I wasn't afraid to open the door like I do the first time we met after twenty years, i opened it with a full smile in my face.

"Hi, baby." I said while planted a quick kiss on his cheeks and Flynn's. Omg, my cute little baby Flynny, Flynny, Flynn, as cute as your father.

"Hi honey. Ready? Let's go." said Orlando with Flynn in his arms.

"Come on." I took my picnic basket that was fulled with food and walked out the house with them.

He let Flynn down and let him held both of our hands. His hands were so small but warm in touch, like his father's. Three of us was just like a family now.

"So....What's your plan?" asked Orlando. He let me decide all the details since it is our first date, so I decided to make it....Special?

"Well....a picnic at the park and then.....maybe watch the stars at night at your place? I heard that there will be meteor rain tonight. Maybe we can make a wish?" i asked.

"Okay, we will listen to you, my queen."

"Oh, such a loyal servant." I said while give him a small kiss as a prize."

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