It all ends here.

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Orlando's pov:

"This is not right, Orlando. You should signed the paper now," she said after pulling back from the kiss.

"But why? Don't you love me anymore? You kissed me back, and now you're telling me to sign the paper? After I sign the paper, all will end. All. Do you really want that to happened?"

"I'm sorry. I was lost. Please forgive me. I can't live you anymore. It was a wrong choice that I chose to marry you that day, I was wrong."

"After these years, now you're telling me that marry me is the worst decision you'd made? Fine, if you think that I'm not the one then I'll sign the paper to let you find who's your one. Maybe I can find someone far more better than you." I regreted when the words came out from my mouth.

How could I said that, Orlando Bloom, earth calling to Orlando Bloom, you know that she's actually care about you. All she don't want is to hurt your innocent heart.

"Well go then if you sign the paper, than you can find someone more better than me." I know she didn't mean to but....

I can't stopped my urge to fight back, so I walked into the dinning room back to sign the paper.

"Oh there you are Mr and Mrs Bl...Ms Kerr. How's your discussion going? Well Mr Bloom, I hope it's time for you to sign the paper."

"Oh, ya. Everything went fine, just want to tell Miranda that Flynn will be with me after everything's settled."

"I see, I think that it's just one thing missing on the paper and it's your signature Mr Bloom."

"Right, where should I sign?" I peeked at Miranda to see her face, but she seemed noticed that and trying to ignore me.

"Here," He pointed . Without any hesitation I signed the paper.

I had signed the paper, Miranda didn't stopped me. We're over. Over.

"Well now, I hereby announced that you two are officially divorced under no special condition. Peacefully, I wish both of you good luck in trying to find your truly one."

"Thanks Mr Parker. I think it's time for me to leave. And Mr Bloom, it think that we should announced our divorce to the public tomorrow. See you tomorrow here. I'll ask one of my friend as the reporter for the entertainment magazines to come here," said Miranda. Her face told me that she can't even stay for a second.

"Well yes... Ms Kerr. And Mr Bloom I think it's time for me to leave. Goodbye."

I sent both of them out from the house. I can't even stand to see Miranda's back leaving the house heading to her car.

It all ends here. It had all ended now. Ended,  as in past tense. No, end, in present and future tense.



They officially break up.

Oh no, they'll be announcing the new to the public tomorrow.

How will the fans react?

As a fan like you, how will you react?

Insult Miranda? I hope you don't want to do that don't you, it's too rude.

The best way is keep calm and accept the truth because Orlando is now single again. ;-) I know that I'll never had a chance... It's all my imagination.


from your day dream expert,


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