What the heck did you just said? Orlando Bloom!

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Orlando's pov:

When I and Flynn were just ready for our usual morning walk, Kay came out from her door with her working outfits on. She seemed a bit lost. Maybe it's was her first day to work, so I decided to help her out.

"Morning, work?" oh no why I started our conversation in such a dummy way?

"Oh Ya, and I'm late. Can you me show the way to Victoria's street ?" she asked.

Oh, she's late. Victoria street.....not far away but why do she work there? Then I remembered that there's a model company there. Maybe she's worked there. Her dream is to become an international model since she was 10.

" Oh, Flynn and I are planning to go to a park near there. Maybe you can join us ? It's just a five minutes walk."

"Oh sure." Finally she smiled.

" Come on let's go. I heard that there's a model company. You work as a model there? "

" Yes. "

" What's your latest project ? "

" G&N latest winter collection."

We continued the Conversation till we came to a junction and the road sign showed "Victoria Street".

" Oh, there you are. You know which way to go? "

" Ok thanks Orlando. I'll find it myself. I think I owe you a dinner. How about tonight? " Oh my god, did she just asked me for out for a dinner? Seriously? Butterflies were dancing merrily in my stomach. I am as happy as a lark now.

" Oh...Sorry. I'm bringing Flynn to Miranda's tonight. How about tomorrow ?" What, you're telling her that Miranda coming tonight to pick Flynn?

Hey, please think twice before you want to lie to someone, can't you find a lamer excuses? What, just now you're so happy that she asked you out but now you turned her down? What the heck are you talking about Orlando Bloom!

" Oh. I'll let you decide. Just tell me when you're free. " She seemed unhappy with my answer. But I had telled her, there's nothing that i can do.

" Ok, bye."

" Bye. "

Then I watched her back walking down the street. Disappointed.

Look Orlando Bloom, what had you just done? What she want is just a dinner with you tonight and was it so difficult?

Well, maybe.



What a dumb ass you are, Orlando Bloom.

You just turned down a girl, someone who loved you. ( Ok, we'll maybe Orlando still don't know that Kay still love her. )

Don't throw eggs at me


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