I"m sorry, for everything

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Orlando's pov:

Flynn and I left the restaurant after we finished our pizzas.

The streets was quiet. No sign of people. The lights were dim. We could barely see a thing. It looks like the scene in the "Thriller" mv, maybe there will be zombie climbing out from nowhere anytime now.

Anytime now, they are wacting to feast on you. Beware.

What had you done, Orlando?

You shouldn't do that.

When I came to a house, my footsteps halted. The house wasn't mine, but Kay's. The lights were still on. She's still awake.


Should I go to her? Should I tell her the truth?

I walked back to my house. I shouldn't told her anything, it was like giving her one more chance to like me back.

After I had put Flynn to bed, I went to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

While sipping my wine down my throat, I keep thinking of Kay. The ice cold taste, it was as cold as Kay's heart now. I can't take my mind off her.

I was wrong. She didn't do anything wrong. She didn't deserve all these. She's a good woman after all. I cheated on her. I shouldn't did that, it was all......my fault. I should do something.

After thinking and thinking, I put down my glass and ran to Kay's house.

Kay.....Please, forgive me.


Kay's pov:

After Jessica left, I started to calm myself down, but my mind didn't listen to me. I kept thinking of the memories that Orlando and I had shared twenty years ago.

The time we used to have pizza together. How he kept me warm in the rain or cold.....How we shared the same drinks....

Orlando. He had done many wrong things to me but now I'm still thinking of him.

Yes, after all these years, I still love him. But I can't just tell him that I love him and still care for him.

"Ding dong..." the door bell rang. Maybe it was Jessica. She must had left something.

The moment I opened my door, I nearly fainted. It was Orlando. He was standing right in front of my house. But what brought him here at this late night?


Orlando's pov:

Kay opened the door. Her eyes were red and swollen, she cried. This.....only made me felt more sorry about it.

"Erm....excuse me, can I come in?" I asked. I tried to say it a bit.more friendlier hoping she would responded me but she didn't say a thing. She just walked back to the living room. I followed her to her living room.

Her house was neat. She must have cleaned it everyday. Of course she's allergic to dust, so she can't stand her place messy or dirty. I always remembered that.

"Sit " She said, her tone was ice cold. She didn't looked at me. Her eyes.......

"Kay..." I started, this time, I would try to make this conversation a little more.....not so awkward.

"I'm sorry. "She said.

Did she just apologized to me? Yup, she definitely did. I heard it, with both of my ears.

"No Kay. I'm sorry. You did nothing wrong. It was me." I apologized.

She looked up. Her eyes, looking at me. The eye contact between us....it was like ages ago. I remembered that feeling, the way she look at me, the way....i looked at her. I continued to speak.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry that I had left you twenty years ago. I didn't mean to do that, I know, you were hurted. I was trying to give you a better life. I hoped that you deserved a better life, not with an anonymous, but someone, that everyone knew."

"No, you didn't need to give me anything. Leaving me is the best choice you had done. See, now I had succeed. I'm a model now. I am doing what I wanted for all these times. If you didn't left me that time, I won't realised that dream come first than love. Thank you."

"No, Kay. I'm truly sorry about it, I was so selfish. I only thought of myself, but I didn't think for you. I should had care for you, not....." I can't speak. It was all my fault.

"No, thank you. There's nothing you should say sorry for. Your selfish choice just made everything even right."

"Kay, I'm sorry."

"Its useless....."


"Get out, or else.....get lost in my life. I need a life, my life. The past is just a past. Just leave me. I had nothing to do with you now."

"Okay, I will just leave. Well anyway, I still owe you something."

"You owed me nothing. Nothing. Just leave."

"But can't I do something for you......'

"A dinner will do...and I just hope that that will be our last and only dinner." she said.

"No, not just a dinner. I'm asking you to come with me to my new movie, The Hobbit:Battle of the five armies' movie premiere. Will you come?"

"Get lost, a dinner will do. I don't want anything with you. A dinner and we shall end all these."

"Kay...Please.....just once."


"I'll tell you the actual date later."

Then there was silence.

"I guess I should be back now. Flynn will be scared if he found out I'm not around."


Then she headed to the door to opened it for me.

"And Kay. I'm sorry, for everything."

"A Sorry won't fixed what had happened for these past twenty years."

"But I hope you knew that, I am sorry. I knew.....that it won't fix a thing, but......i wish I can just do something for you.'

"If you insisted."

"Thanks Kay, just this once. Give me a chance."



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