Thanks to you Miranda Kerr

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Orlando's pov:

Again, someone knocked the door. I think it maybe it is the nurse. However, after she spoke, the smile on my face vanished.

"It is me, Orlando." Miranda said.

Its Miranda, why is she here?

Then I remembered, Amanda told me that she was the one who send me to the hospital. Didn't she said that she didn't care for me anymore? Then, why she's here?

"Come in, "all can do is to let her come in.

Why not, she send me here, or else I would be on the news two days ago. I also cant just shoo her away in front of Amanda, she will know what's going on.

The door opened. Miranda was standing right in front of the doordoor. Her hands holding Flynn's. Flynn, my little baby.

She was wearing a black dress that I gifted her last year on her birthday. She was very happy when she opened the present as I seldom give her present especially dress. I had use about two hours time decide to buy it.

And now, she's wearing the dress. If she don't care about me, then was she wearing that dress? She still looked so perfect in the dress, her curves were so obvious, that's why, men will just looked at for a few seconds if they saw her.

Her curves. Why doed she always looks so perfect.

"Hi there Mrs Bloom and...." Amanda asked.

"Flynn, he's my son, our son. I continued but I looked directly at Miranda.

I want to let her know that Flynn is still ours and she can't just leave him. With me, someone who's trying to kill himself.

"I think I should leave you two to talk, don't mean to disturb. May I bring Flynn to the kids area to play with the kids there so he won't be so boring?" She winked at me.

I know that she was trying to leave the 'romantic' moment for us. Oh yeah, she still don't know what happened to us.

"Oh sure. Ill go and pick him up after I'm done here." Miranda answered. Looked like she really want to have a  talk with me.

"Oh, thank you so much Mrs Bloom. I promised i'll take good care of Flynn, he's too cute for his own good." Of course, I can say that Flynn is the cutest guy in the world. She seemed excited, maybe she really want to play with Flynn.

Then, Amanda, or shall I say Dr Perkins walked out with Flynn holding her hands. Flynn seemed to like her very much. Then Miranda shut and locked the door.

"Are you mad, Orlando Bloom?!" She said in an angry voice once the door was closed. God shes really angry at me.

"What?!" I replied, all I could do now is to yell at her.

"You're trying to commit suicide! You nearly killed yourself."

"Oh yeah and what's the problem with that?" I can't say a word against her so all I could say is trying to make this who killing self thing a smaller issue.

"Do you know that if you're dead, what would happened?" She looks more angry but I can see in her eyes that she do care too.

"Oh, what will happened then?"

"You really don't know? Flynn will lost a father and I...." she stopped knowing that If she keep saying, something will happen.

"You'll rather die with me, than living in the world without the one you love most. You still care for me Miranda, but why do you chose to leave me? You still love me right? Is there something bad happened to you? "

"No, you're wrong. I chose to leave you because I really didn't love you anymore. I still care because you're my ex-husband.


Ya, I signed the paper. Everything had end.

"I don't need you to care for me anyway. All I want is you to leave now." I'd I just said that? I asked her to get out?

"Fine, then I'll leave you here. Flynn will be at my place these few days as you're in the hospital" Then, she leave me in the ward room along with the beeping sound of the machine.

Thanks to you Miranda Kerr, if it was not you, I won't be lying in the hospital and had to say such thing to you.

Really thank you.



Oh no another fight.

But don't worry, everything will be just fine. XD

Teaser: Finally, Orlando......

(continued with your comments) Guess, I want to know what are you thinking.

Someone who is ( I'm still waiting ) desperately waiting for your votes and comments:


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