What to do now? Call him or just...?

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Kay's pov:

I was at home, I can't sleep, I didn't know what to do.

Orlando just asked me out for Christmas dinner together and I promised to call him back before 12 am tonight for answer.

Should I asked Jessica on her view?


Right, Orlando wanted me to ask her too. I called her. Why I'll always forgot what to do whenever I think of Orlando?

"Hey, Jessica's speaking. Who's there, Do you know it's late now, and I'm in a process of..." She didn't continue.

"Hey, Jessica, I'm Kay, I'm sorry to disturb you this late, but I have something to ask you, are you free?"

"Oh yah, Kay, I dont know it's you I'm sorry just a sec....HEY, baby, I got a phone call from one of my friend, I had to answer now. " She said. Then there was answer across the phone.

She was definitely not talking to me, who was it? Was it a man, of course it's a man, but who's that? Her boyfriend?

" OKAY, baby, but better be quick. We have some important business to take care. I was so enjoying it." It was a man voice over the phone. His tone was seductive when he was talking to Jessica.

What are they doing? What was the important business he was talking about? Was it.....? No no no, Jessica didn't told me that she had a boyfriend. Then, was it one night stand?

Then, who was it? You think too much Kaylene Woodley. She's your best friend, you shouldn't judge her like that.

"I was asking you whether you're free at Christmas eve? Someone had invited us to go to his place for dinner."

"Oh, sure, who's that?"

"He's my neighbour. He's...the famous Hollywood star Orlando Bloom."

"Orlando Bloom? Right, I've been to his place before he's just live next to you. Okay, just tell me the time and I'll be there."

"Okay," What did she mean she's been to his place before, just when I wanted to ask Jessica about that, she hung up.

Okay, she wanted to go and now what...?

Orlando, right I've got to tell him that were going.

"Tut, tut..."

"Hey, Orlando there right." I started.

"Oh Ya, Kay?" Oh, my voice is so easy to recognise. Of course you idiot the incoming call must have show your name on it.

"Yup, I'm telling you that Jessica and I will be coming over to your place on Christmas Eve. She said she knew you, was it true?" I was jealous. And I was so curious. I wanted to know what was his answer.

"Ya, she's my ex wife's ex colleague. She had came to my house a couple of time for dinner."

Oh, she's her ex wife's colleagues. What a relieve. There's nothing between them.

"Oh I see. She seemed interested in you." My voice was a bit down when I said that.

"Well, how about an early Christmas shopping next week. You can help me to decorate my house too."

He tried to avoid me telling that  Jessica was interested in him. But, he asked me out to go shopping with him. Oh no, what now?

"Well, okay. See you then." Of course you accepted his offer. Any dummy would have do that.

Shopping with Orlando Bloom. It had been a dream for more than hundred thousand or even million people.

"See you and good night."


After he hung up, I fell asleep eventually. I was dreaming how our shopping will be like. Can it still be the same like last time? I hope.



Wow, they actually dreaming of the same thing. How sweet was it? I knew, very sweet. Imagine you and your lover dreaming the same thing, okay, I knew it's too drama.

So, had you guys watched the trailer for Hobbit? How was it? I knew it was a bit late to ask you guys. Well, I like the scene where Tauriel and.Orlando were probably hiding behind the stone, oh, I love his hair so much! Well, I've got short hair, so....i admired girls who have long and silky hair, just like Legolas!

Sweet strawberries,


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